Sunday Reflections ~ 7/19/20

Hello lovelies.  This past week was fantastic.  Let’s get right to it shall we?

Sunday 7/12 was singing along with some fabulous songs.  Everyone knocked it outta the park.  Jim is the most excellent host.  I did a twofer with Belinda and Billy … not a duet … their owns tunes.  Check it out here… bet you’ll sing along too.

Monday 7/13 was Haiku where I used the word tentacle.  Doesn’t that word just roll off the tongue.  I also shared my world.  Thanks to Melanie for hosting.  I feel like I should be paying her a participants fee.  Answering her questions has become a highlight of my week.

Tuesday 7/14 I wrote about a zany dream ripped from the headlines.  You’ll have to look here for a better explanation.

Wednesday 7/15 was Grandma TuTu’s heavenly birthday.  <3.  My one liner was corny as usual.

Thursday 7/16 was Hodge Podge

Friday 7/17 was #grateful

Saturday 7/18 was #SoCS with links and soaps.  I also met someone new through stream who inspired me to revamp my story time category on this blog.  More on that later.  Thank you Amari64!!  And thank you Linda G Hill for bringing folks together.

Whew!  All that blogging amid personal stuff.  Not bad personal stuff actually.  I’ve been noodling around with some ideas that are about to take flight.  Some good is coming out of COVID dare I speak the words good and Rona in the same sentence.  Blasphemy or heresy or both.  New normal is a term that irks me.  Nothing normal about any of this … stuff.  Whatever it is though (more time at home maybe or a big fat forced time out) has given me tremendous perspective.  Hoping your Rona daze does the same for you.

Peace y’all.   Until next time. Stay safe.

As always, more to come.

#SLS for 7/19/20

Melody via Jim gives us Baking/Bread/Cake/Pie/Picnic.  This is hard since my first and only thought bubble for quite some time was “Cherry Pie” by Warrant.  Then I thought I might use a song by the band Bread until I decided I wanted a song with one of the prompt words in it.  As I proceeded to search, I came across this gem and it was 1973 all over again.  My brother and his friends listened to Budgie.  I didn’t what a breadfan was but I loved it!  Rock-n-Roll and a backyard full of boys playing basketball. Here we go without furhter ado …

Of course I had to google breadfan and wah-la to the wiki .

Bread as in moola, smackaroos, dinero.  Okay now I get it.  Better late than never.

(originally by Budgie) Writer(s): Bourge Anthony, Phillips Raymond Anthony

Breadfan, open up your mind, open up your purse,
Open up your bones, never, never gonna lose it.
Breadfan, take it all away, never give an inch,
Gotta make a mint, gotta make me a million.
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend’s
Gonna lose it in the end, who’s a fool.
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man,
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be.

Loser, give it all away, never stay with the winner,
With the man with all the filthy money.
Come on, keep it on the side, with a ride on a record,
On the top if you’re gonna be a bad boy.
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend’s
Gonna lose it in the end, who’s a fool.
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man,
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be.

Breadfan, open up your mind, open up your purse,
Open up your bones, never, never gonna lose it.
Breadfan, take it all away, never give an inch,
Gotta make a mint, gotta make me a million.
Breadfan, you got it wrong, some long time friend’s
Gonna lose it in the end, who’s a fool.
Seagull, give it all away, stay a bird, stay a man,
Stay a ghost, stay what you wanna be.