Sunday Reflections ~ 8/30/20

#SLS for 8/23/20 started the week.  I dug out an oldie and obscure.  Sort of.  Many had never heard of April Wine.  I realized that I remembered more than two of their songs.  Pretty good group all and all.  The other offerings were fab as usual.

Haiku – Day & Flaw was next. Me and my non-Haiku, haiku. I tell ya folks, this is therapy for me.  Pony has informed me I am not following the rules.  To be true, there needs to be a juxtaposition.  Mine are rarely that but they are an emotional release so until I am told to stop, Monday at Ron’s place will continue.

Share Your World ~ 8/25/20 is a day late.  Though Melanie has not said we must respond same day.  That’s just my idiosyncrasy.  I will keep trying for Monday responses.  I truly enjoy this mental exercise.  The proverbial always a student aka Jilly enjoys answering questions.

#1linerWeds. 8/26/20 bringing back the corny.  Flash thought – corn-pone.  Minnie and Celia from The Help.  I will keep the memes coming until I run out of space in my media file.

Story Time ~ 8/27/20 I shared my mom and aunt’s handiwork.  I remembered some of what explains a bit of why I am who I am.  So many stories to tell.  So little time.  More to follow in the coming months.

#WATWB ~ 8/28/20 #InDarknessBeLight!!  what a way to close each month.  Looking for silver linings.  They are out there, I promise.

#SoCS for 8/29/20 capstone kooky.  More than 100 … of what?  Well check out all the creativity at Linda’s blog.

Whew!  I have to say this week outside the blog was better.  Not great, not awful.  I did do something FUN Thursday night.  I took a virtual tour of Chicago’s Graceland Cemetery with Adam Selzer – Titled “Health Scares in History”.   Strange and interesting … what a combo!!  I learned some new things about diseases of the past.  With my fascination for WebMD and the like, this tour was right up my alley.  One day post Rona, I need to hop on a plane to Chicago.  Until then, I will attend more of Adam’s virtual tours.  Say what you will about FB but there are some good things.  And I say that despite how the bastards blocked me!!

Peace y’all.   Until next time. Stay safe.

As always more to come.

#SLS for 8/30/20

The prompts are Cruel/Evil/Horrible/Monster/Wicked. Hmm decisions, decisions. Steppenwolf’s Monster is too long and so is Am I Evil by Diamond Head. Looking for something in the under five minute range. Well how about “Godzilla” by Blue Oyster Cult? Writer: Donald Roeser Yea, that’s my pick. I would’ve picked “Frankenstein” by the Edgar Winter Group but that has no lyrics so … without further ado.

With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound
He pulls the spitting high-tension wires down

Helpless people on subway trains
Scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them

He picks up a bus and he throws it back down
As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town

Oh no, they say he’s got to go
Go go Godzilla, yeah
Oh no, there goes Tokyo
Go go Godzilla, yeah

Oh no, they say he’s got to go
Go go Godzilla, yeah
Oh no, there goes Tokyo
Go go Godzilla, yeah

Godzilla! zilla…zilla…God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla
God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla
God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla

Rinji news o moshiagemasu!
God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla
Rinji news o moshiagemasu!
Godzilla ga Ginza hoomen e mukatte imasu!
God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla
Daishikyu hinan shite kudasai! Daishikyu hinan shite kudasai!
God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla God zilla
God zilla God zilla

Oh no, they say he’s got to go
Go go Godzilla, yeah
Oh no, there goes Tokyo
Go go Godzilla, yeah

History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of man

History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of man

History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of man

History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of man

#SoCS for 8/29/20

Well hello y’all. Time once again for #SoCS where our host with the most, Linda G Hill writes and I rewrite “Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “more than a hundred.” Write your post inspired by something you have more than a hundred of in your home right now. Enjoy!”


Think, think, and think …

99 bottles of beer on the wall

99 bottles of beer

Take one down

Pass it around

98 bottles of beer on the wall

Well that’t not 100.

Well duh!

And who puts beer on a wall anyway? That song is nonsense.

We don’t have more than a hundred of anything in the house. Including the aforementioned bottles of beer because I quit buying alcohol when the urge for day drinking became too intense. This COVID enforced work from home has pros and cons. The biggest best pro is not commuting and not wearing shoes. On the con side there is easy access to everything like alcohol with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Back to counting. We don’t have more than a hundred of anything in the house. Repeat Polly. Unless you count strands of hair on our heads, grains of salt, grains of rice, granules of sugar, staples, ammo/bullets, assorted coins, or floor tiles. And I tell ya, none of those are inspiring. And yes I said ammo. This is Texas after all. Wink, wink.

Just about outta stream when this song came to mind … hundred acre woods … cue music. What better way to say until next time!! Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff. Willy, nilly, silly ole bear 🙂

Wishing everyone who stumbles upon this post a wonderful Saturday. To join in the shenanigans, go back up and click on Linda’s name to get to the fantastic world she created. You’ll be glad ya did 🙂

As always, more to come.

#WATWB ~ 8/28/20

Another month’s end sneaked up on me. That means it is time once again for #WATWB. I’ve been feeling a bit down lately but the following lifted my spirits.

This toddler still found a way to have weekly playdates with his grandparents through a window. Seriously, so sweet.

This month’s co-hosts,  Lizbeth HartzPeter NenaRoshan Radhakrishnan, Sylvia Stein and Shilpa Garg

#WATWB is a blog hop on the last Friday of every month. Here are the intention and rules. In darkness, be light 💡

As always more to come.

Story Time ~ 8/27/20

Story Time: Memories

I took a bit of a break since my last story. My Swedish death clean continues as a work in progress. One day I hope to sit down seeing nothing but uncluttered space; a sterile environment is okay by me.

The reason for the brief hiatus was two-fold. There was no room for the recycling that is created from this exercise. We secured as second recycle bin for the low, low price of $3 a month. After tomorrow’s pick up, I will begin purging again in earnest since I will have room.  Followed by the final trip to Goodwill.

The second reason was other parts of life intervened. I wrote snippets but I stop short of relaying all that was going on around these parts because I don’t want to create a false alarm. I’m doing that thing I do to minimize my feelings since in the big scheme of things, my stuff is small stuff. Many more items on the plus column.

After that long preamble, I’ll keep my story short and sweet. Maybe. Wink, wink. See the following picture for a delicate snot rag, found in a box of my mother’s things.

Seeing my mom’s handwriting always does a number on me. She and her sister embroidered this handkerchief some 76 years ago when mom was 12 and Aunt Anne was 15. Three short years later, they would lose my grandfather. Then three more years after that, grandma passed away leaving mom and her siblings adult orphans.  The year was 1950.  Mom was only 18.

I’ll stop short of saying this is why she got married but it explains much. After the funeral, with the homestead sold, she moved from Runge TX to San Antonio to live with Uncle Red and Aunt Carol. They were newlyweds themselves and times were rough. She didn’t want to be a burden so she found someone else to take care of her. Of course she worked and could’ve taken care of herself. I guess saying she wanted to maintain a good relationship with her brother and sister-in-law is more accurate.  Being underfoot did not help things.

My parents were married 15 years before tragedy struck when dad was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. Story goes the surgical team went in to remove the tumor and instead “sewed” him back up. The doc came into the waiting room announcing “if he lives through the night he has six months!” Mother was bitter about the doctor’s bedside manner for years.

I was still a baby at the time. Daddy Wes powered on for two more years before he succumbed.  Long enough to sell the farm, pay off the house, and otherwise get his affairs in order.  I have some moving stories about his strength and fortitude during this time. I’m convinced his actions ensured we’d have a better life.   I may or may not share them though.  Much is foggy and more than likely not “real” memories only what I conjured up from what I was told.  Only now am I able to admit my mother’s embellishment of many things.  

I still loved her desperately in spite of what I look back on now with sadness and confusion.  I’m writing in innuendo.  I’m still the Queen Comma drama.  Please don’t look behind the curtain.  Look only into the magic mirror on the wall …. How’s that for symbolism and storytelling?  LOL.

Don’t cry for me Argentina.  Enough?  Yes enough.  

As always, more to come.

#1linerWeds. 8/26/20

Thanks Linda for hosting!! Jilly is back with the corny. When I saw this meme I almost spit my drink out. LOL. So easily amused. By surprise it sort of looks like lawn maker. Coincidence means good luck for us 🙂

Picture of farmer in the field with needle in a haystack. Not meaning to break the suspense of figuring out this gem. Added the text in case this block editor thing converts the picture to a big blank space. Yep that’s still happening but I am determined to crack the code.

As always, more to come.

Share Your World ~ 8/25/20

I’m a day late and a dollar short.  Thanks Melanie and Roger for the awesome questions.

  1. One of my favorite gifts that Harry Potter received came from the Weasley Twins; and was “Mrs. Mooney’s Marauder’s Map”. This magical document showed every classroom, hallway and secret corner in all of Hogwarts. It also showed you the location- by name- of every person in Hogwarts.  If you had such a magical map of your town, what would you use it for? If you would not use it, is there another person to whom you would gift it? I would use the map to get around town and avoid traffic … if such a time ever happens again 😦
  1. When was the last time you made a snowball? Were in a snowball fight? In 1966, but I do not remember it of course. I was too young. But there are picture which prove it. It rarely snows where I live.
  2. Many cultures set great value in each child of the family having godparents. Did you have godparents? Are you a godparent yourself? Yes and Yes
  3. You have found a secret tunnel under your house. Where does it go? No tunnels. We are on a slab foundation. Haha!

Muggle Questions (of a more philosophical bent this week):

Is intelligence or wisdom more useful?  Intelligence is aptitude to gain knowledge while wisdom is the ability to use what you gained so I’m going with wisdom.

How important is play in living a healthy and fulfilling life? For balance, I’d say play is very necessary. There’s a saying … “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All play and no work makes Jack a mere toy.” Moderation in everything including moderation. One needs enough play to be like baby bear’s porridge, chair, and bed … just right!!

Is happiness just chemicals flowing through your brain or something more? I think something more. What the more is? I’ll share when I find it.

Gratitude moment – the ability to feel something bigger than myself. It’s all sunshine and rainbows over here. Even when it isn’t.

Testing Testing 123

I am testing how to get videos to show with the new block editor. I always think the picture is an incentive to click. Or is it just me?? I will follow this post and see if it reverts to the link with a big blank space. That is what happened on my #SLS post.