Another Satisfied Customer

We’ve been trying to get PoPo to use curbside pick up or delivery for groceries.  He’s 77 after all.  We’d say he’s earned it.  Today we finally broke him.  Lulu and I with B’s insistence.  After many “C’mon dad, why take the chance?” he acquiesced.     MoMo is not too happy with us but too bad lady.  She’s got him out there schlepping around for her.  Ugh!  No more.  Curbside it is!!!!

The day before we set everything up on his phone.  He was enjoying adding to cart “Look at this would ya?  Just like walking down the aisle of the store.  I never knew they’d have pictures”

Pick up went without a hitch.  Of course, the experience was not perfect.  They were were out of the pastries they like, navel oranges, one of MoMo’s TV-dinners.  But the nice part was $10 off for being referred/first time user and the substitution of 40 Hefty garbage bags for 80 Hefty garbage bags at the same price.  Score!  Now that’s taking care of the customer.

If only we can keep her from sending him to Dollar General for Lysol wipes.  Ha!  Kind of defeats the purpose.  I wonder if we’re turning into the same, stuck in our ways?  I sure hope not but then maybe it’ll give Pony and Lulu something to laugh about.

As always, more to come.