Woke Up To The Sound Of Pouring Rain and Boston Strong

Last week I got three books. I started reading all of them pretty much simultaneously. My attention span is getting shorter as I age. I believe the expression is shorter than the gnat’s ass.  And that’s pretty small.  However Urban dictionary also says a gnat’s ass could be considered a near perfect measurement.  As close as one can get to exact aka being on the money.  

Here I’ll review two of the three books:

This morning I actually woke up to the sound of pouring rain. How coincidental that I am three quarters of the way through 18 and Life on Skid Row by Sebastian Bach.  The band was part of the soundtrack of my youth.  I learned how he played in clubs and other places to earn his due.  He did get a lucky break through a friend of a friend and connecting with Bon Jovi. By all rights he is respected Broadway actor.   For a birthday present many years ago, Billy and I saw Mr. Bach at the Majestic theater as the lead in the touring company of Jesus Christ Superstar. I learned he had other roles on TV.  I’m sure I’m the only one who has never seen him in Gilmore Girls. I’m sure I’m the only one who’s never watched a single episode of the Gilmore Girls. Now with the reboot I might have to check the show out. 

Anyway I’m always amazed at how someone can triumph over the shit they’re dealt. Part of me is surprised he still alive. As life gives me lemons I pucker up for a while. Then time passes and things get better.  Or things still suck but at least they change. The only thing that is constant in life is change.  Well change, death, and taxes.  My motisoperandi is to ride out any shit storm.  

If I feel moved to add to this review after I finish the remainder of the book, I’ll certainly do so.  For now, I’ll move on to the next gem. 

I finished Inside the O’Briens by Lisa Genova in the wee hours this morning.  I just couldn’t quit reading. This fictional family pulled me in. One of those stories ripped from the headlines.  Though not quite the same as a Law and Order episode because the end gave no neat tied with a bow answers.  Much like “real” life.  As opposed to the faux life we’ve been living.  

The patriarch of the Joe O’Brien family (a Boston strong policeman, blue collar townie) has Huntington’s disease like his mother before him.  Hers was mistakenly thought to be alcoholism at least by the townsfolk and her two children: Joe and his sister Maggie. Joe unknowingly passes Huntingtons on to at least to two of his four children.  His oldest, gene positive may or may not have passed Huntingtons to his firstborn son.  

This story moves gracefully along with many twists and turns. Ballet-like.  Read it and see how dance is included.  Dance as a metaphor for life.  Or maybe one could say the story moves along with several stops and starts and jerky movements similar to Huntingtons itself.  Like Huntington’s, the story is raw, gritty, and broken. Though there is no final scene of closure and we’re left to wonder what happens to this family, a sense of triumph remains.  One wonders, what would I do if faced with a deadly disease? Would I live life to the fullest to enjoy every moment of what’s left? Or would I jump off the Tobin bridge?  

Overcoming adversity is the theme of both of these books.  I recommend you read them and I hope in doing so you find encouragement.  As I conclude these reviews,  it’s storming outside.  We’ve lost the satellite signal.  We are preparing for the week and hunkering down as Stephen King would write. What better way to sign off than with a song.  I Remember You.  I hope you enjoy. 

As always, more to come. 

15 thoughts on “Woke Up To The Sound Of Pouring Rain and Boston Strong

  1. Huntington’s is a horrid and tragic condition to have. Perhaps the author has been exposed to personal experience of it in orer to be able to write about it. I have looked after and known several people with it 😦


    1. It is horrible. I know of someone who cared for her husband and two sons with the disease. She was hit, punched and kicked. But she would have any them committed even as they became increasingly violent. The author also wrote the book Still Alice about early onset Alzheimer’s. She just does good research for all her work. She thanked the family who opened their lives in which she based much of the story in her acknowledgments.

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  2. Oh, my gosh….this post is exemplary….as for Skid Row–thanks for the memory…back in the day, I thought S. B. was soooo beautiful…and his voice–incredible!!!! Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

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    1. He bares his soul in the book. He’s flawed for sure. And for some unknown reason I think of Larry Underwood from the Stand when his one night stand screams “you ain’t no nice guy”. Funny how fiction and non fiction can be intertwined.

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  3. I’m glad that you’ve enjoyed reading your books πŸ™‚ I have a crappy attention span also. Gilmore Girls is vastly overrated in my opinion but maybe that’s because I could never connect with the characters? I watched the first few seasons but usually I’d look up to see if Jared was in the episode to determine which episodes would be watched and which ones would be background noise. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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    1. That’s good to know. I had no idea Jared was in Gilmore Girls. Not that him being there would’ve changed my mine. I really liked Lauren Graham in Parenthood, that’s why I’m considering watching the reboot.

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      1. My old best friend used to love him on GG lol. I remember us fighting over him when I got into SPN and got completely obsessed πŸ˜‚ but yeah, he’s barely on it (apart from s1/4) and his character has taken a beaten in our current SJW times, lol. Wait. Are they rebooting it for real or are you talking about the Netflix movies?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. No worries, just wanted to clarify πŸ™‚ They’re remaking everything these days… I didn’t even know they hadn’t released all of them yet. But I think they’re based on weather seasons so maybe they’re doing it based on that. Hmm, well I hope that you enjoy it if you watch it! ☺

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      3. Our internet connection is so poor we can’t get Netflix’s. Well we can but only on my desktop. I just can’t sit at my desk and watch. I’m a recliner, popcorn type of viewer. Surrounded by my comfort items.

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      4. Aw, that’s a shame. There are ways you can maybe connect your computer to your TV manually (not sure what the cable is called) but that would be a pain. I wonder if they’ll let a channel screen it at one point.


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