Blue Sky Tag


The LightHouse Dann Verner was kind enough to tag me in the Blue Sky Tag. Thank you so much! Check out Dann’s blog for an honest opinion and take on life.  Dann is an inspiration.

Rules are as follows:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Answer your 11 questions.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers for the challenge.
  • Give your nominees 11 questions.   

My answers to Dann’s questions:

1: Religion or Spirituality? Spirituality

2: Favourite Movie? Terms of Endearment “GIVE MY DAUGHTER THE MEDICINE”

3: Describe yourself in one word? Nervous

4: Juice or Carbonated Beverage? Juice

5: Gandhi or Nietsche? Both

6: Writing or reading? Reading

7: Radio or television? Radio

8: Daytime or night? Night

9: Why did you start blogging? To fill the time created by my empty nest

10: Cuddling or sex? cuddling

11: The ocean or the forest? forest

I have nominated folks before but I am an awful judge of who will participate.  And we have all seen comments such as “I do not participate” or “thanks for nominating me but …”  Therefore, I hit the easy button (think Staples) and I tag anyone and everyone who comments.  I hope it is not like crickets.  C’mon! Puhleese!!!!  Answer and tag your fellow bloggers, you know you want to 🙂

Here are my questions:

  1. Apple or Android?
  2. Truth or Fiction?
  3. Love or money?
  4. Favorite quotation?
  5. Favorite season (if you are lucky enough to have them)?
  6. Who is your biggest inspiration?
  7. Do you have any pets?
  8. What are you most proud of?
  9. Describe yourself in one word?
  10. Do you have a nickname?
  11. What is the last book you read?

As always, more to come.




9 thoughts on “Blue Sky Tag

  1. Night is definitely where it’s at. 😊And go on then, I will answer your questions on my other blog (posted 27 times in May on SS. I was and am still mortified, lol) just so there are no crickets 😛

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