#JusJoJan and #1linerWeds for 01/08/20

What day is it?  We’ve all been asking that question.  The two weeks prior were a blur so much so that in my case I still have no idea about anything.  Seriously?  Yes seriously Meredith Grey.  Who am I? Where am I? What’s the meaning of life?  LOL

Follow these rules and ping back to your own kind of happy!

I don’t have a one liner for today but I am jotting anyway.  I feel then need.  A hunger if you will.  Like a wolf maybe?  Or  “It’s a hunger” from “Take Me Home Tonight” Eddie Money?  Wait Jilly!  This is PG.

This Duran-Duran ear worm was brought to me courtesy of the cafe in A building which was playing as I paid for my oatmeal this morning.  I got bad or maybe mediocre news from my labs hence the reinstatement of oatmeal.   I am also walking my a$$ off today.  I will get 10K steps!!!

And now I have the giggles.  Something is happening across the aisle from me.  I could not string a sentence together but may try to write about the situation later.  Fun times y’all. Lunch break FIN!

As always, more to come.