Sunday 🐏blings 1/12/20

My first ramble of 2020. Aaaahhh! I need a mini purge.

I’m reading Ordinary Hazards A Memoir by Nikki Grimes. She discovered the power of writing at a young age too. The feeling of sweet relief to get the thoughts out! She’s endured far worse than me yet we harness the same thing to experience release. How cool is that? Non-medicinal cure for what “theoretically” ails me.

I’ve rambled here quite a bit about my doctor going to concierge and my appointment with someone new who was less than stellar. I’m still in pain and sitting here feeling sorry for myself. Listening to #SLS helps. Thanks Jim for keeping it going when Helen left. Musical muscle just like the power of writing. And Bag Lady you’ve no idea what your song did for me today. I walked off my anxiety albeit temporary with End of the Line on a loop. I feel better. Maybe I’m not dying. Oh who am I kidding? We’re all dying. Maybe I’m not dying today!!!

You too can share the joy that is the Traveling Wilburys

As always more to come.

#JusJoJan 01/12/20

Today’s prompt is gravity which is brought to us courtesy of Zhenzhen via Linda G Hill at

Take a look at Zhenzhen’s blog. You’ll be glad you did.

I took Astronomy as my three hours of requisite science for a generic liberal arts degree. This was before I thought I wanted to be a nurse and ended up taking eight hours of Biology and four hours of Anatomy and Physiology as well. I was science heavy for an ultimate business major but oh well.

I loved Astronomy 🪐 🔭. Not to be confused with Astrology. I still do. Probably because it’s hobby status or fun stuff.

I had crush on my teacher. Of course I did. EVERY girl did.

Our bubble was burst during the gravity coursework when he told us that the story of an apple falling on Sir Isaac Newton’s head was not necessary reality but stuff of which urban legends are made. He went on that there may have been some truth to ole Isaac being influenced by general observations in the garden watching nature take its course. Maybe an apple fell but not directly on his head. We learned Sir Isaac Newton’s gravitational theories were all rooted in mathematics. Boo!

Thank goodness the course was light in math though since it was intro to and not something more advanced. Mostly we stargazed. At the teacher as he lectured and in the Planetarium where we went twice that semester.

Dang now I wonder what my former teacher is up to these days. Maybe he’s still teaching? He was only a year or two older than me. His classes were always full. And not only because he was a hottie hot-stuff. I mean who wouldn’t be drawn into the center by gravity?

As always more to come.

#SLS for 1/12/20 ~ “The Middle”

Jim prompts us with Bottom/End/Middle/Side/Top. Where do I begin? Many interesting options. I had a bit of an ear worm with Queen’s “Fat Bottom Girls” but after last week’s simple search introduced me to something new, I opted to simple search again.

And while I found new stuff, none of those songs speak to me like this one. My anthem. Lyrics within. Hope you enjoy!

Performed by Jimmy Eat World. Writer: James Adkins. Here’s more info from the wiki

Follow this link to the tunes