I’m Not Worthy But I Was Nominated Anyway

Thank you Jim.  I am very Wayne and Garth not worthy for the Liebster.  I appreciate the nom as in nomination.  Look at me all shorthand and everything.  The kid left me again.  Before she did she was trying to make sure I had plans.  She worries about me 😦  I didn’t have plans but she doesn’t need to know that.  Until this … answering your questions are my plans.

Jims asks

  1. What do you do when you are not blogging? Read, watch TV, movies or listen to music.  I am the real spud aka couch potato.
  2. Do you spend more time per day writing your blog or reading other blogs? I try to go about 50/50.  Writing takes me longer unless I wing it and if you’ve even read one or two of my posts, you know I mostly wing it.
  3. What is your favorite writing challenge to participate in? #SoCs of course … you know where I can wing it and all 🙂
  4. Have you ever won any other blogging awards? I have – Blue Sky.  There are a few more but I was so excited I did not categorize my responses.  Versatile and Mystery Blogger I think??? They are in the haystack of the 1337 posts I have made in the last year and 3/4.  My biggest claim to blog award fame is the badge contest for #SoCS.  Which makes me feel guilty.  Don’t ask me why … ok ask me why?  I am simply wired that way.  Still I am super psyched to showcase the San Antonio Riverwalk each and every Saturday.
  5. Do you think that your blogging has improved since your first blog? Hmmm.  Yes and no.  Yes I think practice lead to improvement in my later/current posts but I admit to short cuts and will at times chunk it out there just to get the darn thoughts out of my head.
  6. What advice would you give someone who is thinking about starting a blog? Don’t think about, like Nike, Just Do It!  People are nice in Bloglandia.  Don’t let them calling it Worst Press fool you.
  7. Do you have any pets? I sure do.  My grand pups – Buddy and Spot – red heeler and labrador mix litter mates.  Say that 3 times fast :).
  8. If you met a genie that gave you 3 wishes, what would they be? I am the most indecisive person on this planet.  I guess I’d give all my wishes away.
  9. What are you most afraid of? The cruel world hurting my kids.
  10. Do you have a bucket list, and if so name one thing that is on it? I don’t but maybe I should start one.  If I do, I guarantee it will not be sky diving.
  11. Is there something that keeps you going on a bad day? Listening to music, I am convinced songs have healing properties though I read an article recently saying reading has even more power to restore the good than music or other art forms.

Now I am supposed to nominate five fellow bloggers.  The last time I did that, there were crickets.  I have no idea who will play along and who will say no way.  Plus I remember being last picked for teams.  No bueno.  I will open this wide open and say anyone who would like to join in, then answer these 11 questions.

  1. Coke or Pepsi?
  2. Sweet or Salty?
  3. Dog or Cat?
  4. YouTube or Netflix?
  5. Phone call or Text?
  6. Car or truck?
  7. Rich Friend or Loyal Friend?
  8. Bath or Shower?
  9. Most important in a partner: Intelligent or Funny?
  10. Amusement Park or Day at the Beach?
  11. Big Party or Small Gathering?

12 thoughts on “I’m Not Worthy But I Was Nominated Anyway

  1. Hi, nice to meet you and I will look forward to your achievement awards! 😀 I would answer your points but it’s too far up to scroll…..let’s see, no to cats, yes to Netflix!, car over truck, funny for sure, what else…..oh, and that small gathering at the beach roasting marshmallows! 🎉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on the award! You know what? I never knew the SOCS badge photo was of the SA River Walk. Interesting and so cool!
    I already have this award, so I’ll just answer the questions you posed
    Sweet then salty
    Cats (used to have dogs)
    Pick-up truck

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pepsi why? it sounds better…lol
    YouTube dont have Netflix…haha
    Phone call
    Rich Friend or Loyal Friend? can i have both?
    Most important in a partner: Intelligent or Funny? both? wanted it all again…lol
    Day at the Beach
    Small Gathering

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