Sunday Rambling

It’s a banner day in the Dub household, sprucing up the place.

Smoke up Jilly!

What the hell does that even mean? <cough> Breakfast Club – Judd/John Bender you bad boy you!

J-Dub, your mind … you need to have a word with it.

Folks, I am not smoking anything.  I am high on life.  I finally have a site with widgets on the right slider bar.  Can it get any better than this?  I mean c’mon, can it?

A BIG resounding and rhetorical NO!

But you said no, that’s not rhetorical anymore.

And … it could … get better … but in this moment … aaahhhh

I added images y’all for my favorite prompts/challenges AND I linked them.  Click the pics peeps and you’ll be carried away.  And that is not a euphemism for anything. No double entendre.  Wiki Wiki What you say??

And that’s all.  I am through amusing myself.  I just wanted to share.  Fun can be FREE!  The little things, look back and they become the big things. That’s 1/2 right … I think.

Sentimental sappy crappy.  Huh?

You said you were done kiddo.  Quit already.

As always, more to come.

Thanks for the warning they say.

Now I’m done 🙂




J-Dub’s Take On A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

I am reading A Man Called Ove (pronounced oo-va) for book club.  I’ve only one week to finish so I am basically skimming to get through.  But that’s ok because the name of our book club is Schaefer’s Skimmers and Sippers.  It is the public library so we do not sip wine but tea or coffee or even water fill the bill.  Rule breakers that we are to have drinks and snacks in the stacks.

The book is really good.  Despite the dark themes of placing an anchor for the rope in the living room ceiling or the piping that lay on the floor of the garage.  Then there is the loss of his beloved wife.  The only person on the planet who understood him.  Ove is such a sympathetic character.  I may try a more leisurely pace on a second read as the book is loaned to me until April 8th.

Some of my favorite quotes follow:

“He’d never understood the need to go around stewing on why things turned out the way they did.  You are what you are and you do what you do.”

“They never had much, but they always had enough.”

“People said Ove saw the world in black and white.  But she was color.  All the color he had.”

“He never understood why she chose him.  She loved only abstract things like music and books and strange words.  Ove was a man entirely filled with tangible things.”

A solid 4 out of 5 stars.  Recommended reading or watching since the book became a movie.

As always, more to come.



Another Time Sucking Day

Oh yeah.

I have heard it before.

The older one gets, the faster time flies.

Well I ain’t old I tell ya.

That’s my story and I am sticking to it.

I was busy playing with my theme.

Mind outta the gutter folks.

Trying to be creative see.

With this here site o’mine (channelling St PaDDy on the day after since I am 17% Irish per Ancestry DNA).

Of course I am changing everything for free (except for my time which is worth more than gold and I know better than to be wasting it)

Which automatically limits my ability.

To be creative that is.

Go figure why everything is so expensive.

But I am NOT complaining.

I am musing and rambling.

The longest time suck was the header picture.  I had my own photo of my Brighton Writing from the Heart bag and fru-fru expensive ass pen since  I wanted something of my own.

For three shakes of a lamb’s tail, I had a stock option ocean header.  But BOO to stock options unless then bring me $$$$ aka serious coin.  I was bugged (neurotic me) by the non matchy-matchy colors.  So in a streak of Wile E. Coyote Genius, I hacked off the top of my Central Park Alice in Wonderland Statute picture to where all that is showing are the trees.  Temporarily Barren.  Beauty.

Still not done, might continue to spruce to my neurotic hearts desire.  A way to deflect the pain away from thoughts of what if and could’ve, should’ve, would’ve.  Or my new favorite that had no name until recently. Worst.Case.Scenario.

As always, more to come.

I tried to spruce up the place

Yesterday I was looking around for a new free theme cuz you know this cheapo is not going to pay for premium.  I wanted a place so post badges.  I tried out some things with an online demo but when it came time to pull the plug, I chickened out.  I already know from last time that one does not lose anything permanently but finding all my stuff in new hidey holes is different. Hmmm.  Decisions, decisions.



Winnie had given up making her bed every morning.

“Screw it – make the morning make the day … my ass”

She’d followed the rules that were supposed to bring her a sense of stability.  And making her bed every day did that.  For a short time.  Until it didn’t.

The dreams were back.  They always came back and ruined everything.  She only called them dreams.  The visions were flashbacks to a former life.  One lived with reckless abandon and cruelty.

She wondered aloud “Will I ever be safe?”

Time to pack up and go.

For 3/18/18 ~ Shadow People by Dr. Dog

Time for Song Lyric Sunday.  The prompt is shadow.  Thank you Helen!

I picked Shadow People by Dr. Dog.

Writer(s): Scott Mcmicken, Frank Mcelroy, Daniel Quine Auerbach, Toby Leaman

Disclaimer: I have no copyrights to the song and/or video and/or hyperlinks to songs and/or videos and/or gifs above. No copyright infringement intended.

“Shadow People”
The rain is falling it’s after dark
The streets are swimming with the sharks
It’s the right night for the wrong company
And there ain’t nothing ’round here to look at
Move along move along

The neon lights on Baltimore
Every shadow’s getting famous
In some backyard in some plastic chair
Hoping these cigarettes will save us
Here we go again (uuuuh)
Here we go again (uuuuh)

You got rings in your ears
And you got kicked around and made up
Looking high looking low
Where did all the shadow people go?
Where did all the shadow people go?
I wanna know (Whoa!)
Where the shadow people go

I stole a bike from the 2nd Mile
Saw a band play in the basement
I crossed the path of a friend of mine
And I know what that look upon her face meant
Something’s gone from her eye
Something’s gone wrong

You could be a woman or you could be a man
Wear the glove on the other hand
Or you could be twisted
Or you could be insane
Pushing the envelope against the grain
Just playing along (uuuuuuh)
Just playing along (uuuuuh)

And I got something on my mind
And I got voices on the other line
Saying hi saying hello
Where did all the shadow people go?
Where did all the shadow people go?
I wanna know where the shadow people go

Where the shadow people go
(Where did all the shadow people go?)
Where the shadow people go
(Where did all the shadow people go?)

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