R is for the Rolling Stones ~ #AtoZChallenge

My obvious choice was the Red Hot Chili Peppers (RHCP).  Lulu even uses a “Scar Issue” ringtone on her phone.  Tons of nostalgia but too much to bear which is why I am not going there.  I have had enough “happy” tears for a while.  Plus lately RHCP irritatesme.  How can I separate my love of the music from everything else.  That’s a convo for another post and regarding other musicians.  How does one react when bad people do good things?  Do you forgive the frail human and enjoy the art?  Things that make you go hmmm.

Moving along.

When B and I saw RHCP in concert Flea wore a Lakers jersey and trashed our beloved Spurs. The concert was even held in the AT&T center home of the Spurs.  I do not even like basketball but #GSG.  Eff you Flea! And now you’re like gosh!  C’mon.  There she goes again … down a rat hole.  Didn’t she say R is for the “Rolling Stones”?!??

Yeppers!!  And Okay!!

I picked “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”.  Why?  I was at a business event many years ago when one of the presenters kicked off his spiel with this song saying it was the most recognized song in the entire world simply by the first few chords.  Now that was eons ago and I am not sure if that still holds true or if it was even true to begin with but I’m going with it anyway.  Enjoy and To the wiki.

As always, more to come.

20 thoughts on “R is for the Rolling Stones ~ #AtoZChallenge

  1. Did you know that at one time “Smoke on the Water” by Deep Purple had the most recognized opening chords in the world?

    RHCP used to perform out here at the Whiskey A-Go-Go wearing nothing but a sock over their genitalia. I think they were overdressed.

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  2. To show how out of it I am as far as popular music, I know very little about the Red Hot Chili Peppers and even less about bad things the members have done. I do enjoy Satisfaction and while it may be the most universally recognized song, the song with the most public performances is It’s A small World written by the Sherman Brothers whose songs are my A to Z theme this year,

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  3. Glad to see old Mick is up and moving around (slowly) again. Wish they didn’t charge so much for their tickets. I’ve never seen them in concert, although I imagine that their concert now would be much different than the ones in their heyday so probably good I’m not going now – if they ever tour again –

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    1. Right? I saw them in the … I think early 90s — Steel Wheels, and tickets were outrageous then! I can’t imagine them now. Never got to see Prince, his were so high!

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      1. We lucked out with Prince. I just happened to see that he was going to be around about 3 days before the show and managed to get reasonably priced seats. Not up close and personal but close enough. So glad I did.

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      2. Prince was known to give free impromptu shows locally. He was just a regular guy riding his bike to the grocery store. Lulu and I took the Paisley Park tour in July of 2017.

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