Things I’ve Overheard

Left the family room for the kitchen to start dishes. After the briefest pause I hear.

Lulu: She’s been like that all day. About a level 10 or 10 plus. I’m worried about her.

B: Don’t worry about your mom. She’ll be okay.

Wow. I felt the frenzy but I also thought I was managing. Guess not. There is so much to do y’all. Slept good last night though. First time in a while. Vivid dreams too. Subconscious coming out of my system.

I attribute the small step to my mood change to my me day. Selfish but I need more days like that. I need to quit choosing busy over family. And I need to change how I base my worth and self esteem from what I do to who I am. At least I’m a little pitcher with big ears and overheard what I needed to overhear. I’m not happy with who I am becoming but at least there’s still time to change that.

In a side note, I’ve become engrossed in Far From the Tree. I need to check on when it was written. I see a few mental heath no-no’s like using the dreaded C word. Still finding nuggets of gold and my common place book is exploding.

Happy Sunday! I’m still searching for my driving song to participate on #SLS.

As always more to come.

4 thoughts on “Things I’ve Overheard

    1. Yes that’s the best. Very relaxing to hike. We’ve got a place in the hills that I will be at every weekend come October. I can’t take the heat right now.

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