#JusJoJan for 1/5/18 ~ Memories

The prompt today is memories, suggested by Cage Dunn. Take a look at this blog.  You’ll be glad you did.

Here are the rules and ping back.

Picture the big screen filled with the faces of Redford and Streisand!

I was only 8 turning 9 when the movie was released in October of 1973.  I never watched it though I remember the song well.  When I saw the prompt, this immediately popped into my brain and I began to belt out the tune!  I know, I won’t quit my day job.  lol!

Memories, a strong prompt, should invoke more than a cliche love story/song don’t you think?  Memories are the core of who we are and yet the past should stay … well hmm the past should stay in the past.  Living in the present is the only kind of real living.  Be Here Now!

But then there is this … Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. ~ George Santayana

Ugh, how does one decide?

Too many new age messages out there bombarding my brain.  I see meaning in all of it.  Well, kernels of truth are everywhere I look.  No absolutes. Just shades of gray and revisionist history.

But what do I believe? Who knows?  What time is it?  Okay right now I believe this!

Thanks to my friend  at Our Beautiful Lies I found the wonderful teachings of Alan Watts.  Here is a gem that loosely fits this theme:

“Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal, for the present moment is infinitely small; before we can measure it, it has gone, and yet it exists forever” (Alan Watts)

As always, more to come.

2 thoughts on “#JusJoJan for 1/5/18 ~ Memories

  1. I was graduating from high school in 1973 and SO had a crush on Robert Redford! I had the kids get me this DVD for Christmas one year as it is one of my favorite movies. Thanks for the memories 🙂

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