Monster ~ 10/1/22

I stumbled across Tourmaline .’s 2022 Halloween Challenge ping back to daily post #tshalloweenchallenge to locate me. This sounds like TONS of fun! I’m in! Here’s the list & first up is Monster!

I immediately thought of Frankenstein’s monster. Back in the 70s, I dressed up as Frankenstein’s monster for Halloween several times despite being told “you’re a girl, that’s a boy costume!” Bite me! lol.

As I was out and about today on the eastside of my humble hometown, I spied with my little eye, a subdivision getting ready for all hallows eve festivities. This community always decorates the front signage based on the season but in all the years I’ve lived in the area, Mr. Werewolf is making his first appearance. I parked at the vet’s office right next to the sign & couldn’t get a great photo. I circled around, then parked off on the side of the road & got the next two images. What a monster! Triple bonus score.

As always, more to come.

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