Thursday Thoughts ~10/20/22

My thoughts are swirling. I went to my pain management referral & learned firsthand what a whiny baby brat I am because damn that waiting room was standing room only misery on display. My therapist would tsk tsk at me that it’s not a contest. My pain is valid too & it’s been over a decade without answers. True but I’ve powered through. I work, I do chores, I’m mobile, enjoying my walks. There were people in the room wheelchair bound, scooter mobile, with caregivers along for the appointment. Little things like the ability to go solo on my own volition is a bonus.

Plus I’m better. Small changes & physical therapy have helped. I may have written how after one recent session I bawled all the way to work because I was pain free. I’d forgotten what that was like to a degree of when I finally felt good, I couldn’t contain my feelings. After an hour, the ice/electric stimulus wore off but an hour pain free was pure bliss. I’m finding pockets like that a few times a day.

The doctor was Pony’s age which is weird but that’s okay. I knew this reverse age thing would happen one day where I’d be the old lady patient. He took his time and walked me through my MRI explaining more than I needed to know giving me the options.

No pain meds pushed though he did say non narcotic drugs are available to me. Muscle relaxers or nerve pain meds. He ordered two more X-rays to rule out hidden hip anomaly. Then before year end, I’ll get the ESI injection in my S1 joint.

We won’t know until after the injection if it works. This is semi exploratory… my words. No guarantee, his words but it can’t hurt. Well it can hurt & there is risk but also potential reward. I’m going in eyes wide open. Based on the scans & my verbal symptoms, S1 doesn’t cover everything that’s ailing me. That means physical therapy will continue.

Alrighty. I have a plan. That’s better than nothing. Oh and the nurse was named Jack. That has to be a sign. Jack & Jill is good luck 🍀 for sure.

Now for a musical interlude … my constant helper has been tunes of all kinds…

As always more to come.