Off Cycle Thoughts/Here Is Why You Can’t Have Nice Things ~ 7/24/21

Sometimes I dip my toe into the deep end. Splash! Eventually I catch up with the techie techs of the world. On a lark, in prep for my RTO = return to office, I sprung for some wireless ear buds. Not the nice ones mind you. Lulu has her fancy dancy Apple Air pods and Pony has his Samsung equivalent but this other ‘f’ word stands for frugal gal isn’t going to spend that kind of cash.

I got Onn knock offs, compatible with iPhone. For the low, low price of $19.88 + tax. Easy enough set up for this luddite though I did have issues going between my phone and my iPad. The sound was great. The charge lasted all day. I took them to work and thank goodness I had them because my first day back, I forget my headset at home.

I swear dollars to donuts that I brought my ear buds home and even used them here at this very spot where I am sitting right now. But, nope. They are nowhere to be found here at the house. I had the collective family unit turn things upside down. Somewhere between the office and back home, poof gone. The last time for sure I remember using them was at the Tech Spot in the office as I waited for my new laptop, which is a story I may not have written about here in bloglandia but I almost blew up y’all. Seriously Meredith Grey.

“See that is why you can’t have nice things!” said me to the kids once upon at time. Or I am misremembering because that doesn’t sound like me at all. LOL. Now they can tell me the same thing. Glad I went with the cheapo because I am on the hunt for a replacement. And I definitely don’t want to lose them again.

I’m looking for something with a strap. Still not wired but wireless. I am in Amazon hell. Prime free one day and Amazon Choice offers. Too many to choose from. I have put in search criteria to slowly reduce my options but still have 294 to look through. Maybe I need to close my eyes, point to the screen, and pin the tail on the bud. Ugh! Shoot me now.

Humor me fine folks. Toss me a comment or two about your bud of choice. The ear variety. Wink wink. As if the teetotaler even remotely has any idea what she is talking about.

As always. more to come.

#SoCS ~ 7/24/21

Saturday already. Plus we’re fast approaching the end of July. Time is flying … like an eagle … to the sea … fly like an eagle let my spirit carry me … oh won’t you? Wait. What? Where am I? Oh ya, today is #SoCS. Linda writes and I copy paste Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “color/colour.” Use it as a noun, a verb, or pick a color and write about it–use it any way you like. Have fun!

Hmm. Think, think, and think. Color. Another song is percolating in ye ole noggin. Color My World was a song written by some 70s group that I cannot name and won’t google to avoid rule breaking. Color My World was played at every high school dance I ever attended. If you were lucky, you had a sweetie and they asked you to dance to this song. It was usually the finale. In particular, I remember one dance, last song when I was out of the floor with someone who I was crazy about. Only to look over and see my BFF, making faces (like ugh or gag) over her partner’s shoulder. Ah the sweet, sweet memories. LOL.

When I started working, I met a fellow catholic school alum who remembered Color My World from all her high school dances. The difference is she hated that song! Viscerally. And me being ‘monkey see, monkey do’, my liking of the song faded. Now as I sit here and type, I’m semi-swaying lalalalalalalalala color my world asshole with hope lalalallalalala of hating yooouuuuuu. Haha! JK. Or not. Only the shadow knows. Hahahaha.

Whew! Color me done, finished, complete … with this nonsensical whatever this is … until next week when I’ll be back in living color. Wishing you only sunshine and rainbows. How’s that for colorful?

To join in with this polychromatic group of Saturday Streamers, here are the rules and ping back.

As always, more to come.