#SoCS ~ 7/3/21

Here we go, here we go now … Linda writes and I copy paste “Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “contains ‘igh.’” Find a word that contains the letters “igh” in that order and use it in your post. Enjoy! To play along, here was the rules and ping back.

Can you hear it? da-dum da-dum da-dum da-dum igh igh igh igh

Sort of? Kinda? Maybe? Or have I gone off the rails on this crazy train? Ha! Don’t answer that. Yesterday I listened to quite a bit of music at work. It was a slow news day as they say with many people starting early on the 4th of July festivities. Which mean three 30 minute meetings and loooong break and one hour 2-3 before I made my own early exit. I was remembering my brother in law and ran through his whole playlist. The CDs his dad made us take because he couldn’t bear to keep them. I forgot what a rocker chick I used to be. Ah to be young again.

Back to the prompt, words with igh – high, sigh, height, sight, right, might, fight, night, alright, e’nuf already. Pick a word would ya?

Cuz she’s so hiiiiiiigh high above me. Yep back to the tunes …

Not a bad place to be but my stream is ebbing. Guess I’ll sign off for now. Until next time, stay safe my friends.

As always, more to come.