#SoCS ~ 7/17/21

Well, well, well. What have we here? The prompt of a lifetime, I’m telling ya what. Linda writes and I copy paste Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “least-favorite word.” Use your least-favorite word in your post. If you can’t decide on one, use a word that just really bugs you. Enjoy!

To play along, here are the rules and ping back.

Okay, least favorite word. Hmm? But I am a nah nah nah something or other … a Logitech … lover of words … that escape me. This is going to end me! What is the word? Think, think, and think!!!! Oh! I got it!! I’m a logophile.

But and it’s a big BUTT least favorite is still A favorite. AmIRight?!??! I don’t have to pick a word I dislike. I can pick a word the rolls off the tongue, smooth as silk and soft as butter.

Hmmm. Still nothing. Absolutely … positively … freaking nada.

Alright then, time to land the plane. Or take off as the case may be. Going back to the Pearl to walk along the San Antonio River with my Lulu Belle. We skipped May and June but in the hottest of Julys, we’re back at it. Trying to rebuild the habit. Wishing everyone a sensational Saturday!!

As always, more to come.