For 7/1/18 ~ Wicked Game by Chris Isaak

The prompt today for #SLS is game. Here are the Rules and Ping Back.  Thanks Helen!

Wicked Game by Chris Isaak immediately came to mind. Hauntingly beautiful. I think 🤔 this song was in a movie soundtrack but I don’t remember which movie.

Disclaimer: I have no copyrights to the song and/or video and/or hyperlinks to songs and/or videos and/or gifs above. No copyright infringement intended.

“Wicked Game”
The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.
It’s strange what desire will make foolish people do.
I never dreamed that I’d meet somebody like you.
And I never dreamed that I’d lose somebody like you.

No, I don’t want to fall in love (this girl is only gonna break your heart)
No, I don’t want to fall in love (this girl is only gonna break your heart)
With you, with you (this girl is only gonna break your heart)

What a wicked game you play to make me feel this way.
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you.
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way.
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you

And I wanna fall in love (this girl is only gonna break your heart)
No, I wanna fall in love (this girl is only gonna break your heart)
With you.

The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.
It’s strange what desire will make foolish people do.
I never dreamed that I’d love somebody like you.
And I never dreamed that I’d lose somebody like you,

No, I wanna fall in love (this girl is only gonna break your heart)
No, I wanna fall in love (this girl is only gonna break your heart)
With you (this girl is only gonna break your heart)
With you (this girl is only gonna break your heart)
No, I… (this girl is only gonna break your heart)
(this girl is only gonna break your heart)

Nobody loves no one.


As always more to come.

#SoCS for 6/30/18 ~ Cheers

Happy Saturday gang!  Hey Norm!  We mean Jilly.

Time once again for #SoCS.  Here is what Miss Linda has told us:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “cheers.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! This post is gonna write itself.

Pfft! As If.  Don’t be Clueless.  Posts can’t write themselves.  Writers write silly.

You fancy yourself an author of the unpaid variety. So go on.  Tell us.  What do you got Mrs. Big Stuff?

I’ve got stuff and seriously there is only one conclusion here.

Wait for it! (that’s what she said). Wrong sit-com, get out of the Office, go back to Boston!

Okay, I am back and cue music!

Making your way in the world today
Takes everything you’ve got
Taking a break from all your worries
Sure would help a lot
Wouldn’t you like to get away?

Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name
And they’re always glad you came
You want to be where you can see
Our troubles are all the same
You want to be where everybody knows your name

See! I told ya.  Cheers! This show was one of the best sit-coms ever.  According to who? According to me.  Ya see,this is my bar blog.  Whatever I say goes.  And I say “It’s a dog eat dog world and I’m wearing milk bone underpants” ~ Norm

Yep it was that kind of a week.  Up and down, high and low.  In between the birthday celebration and relative with broken leg, things were fluid.

I did call back btw.  I did a should’ve.  Turns out it was bad.  He had surgery yesterday and he was all alone. Dayum, that’s sad y’all.  He’s got no Cheers! Or maybe he does?  The hospital staff.  The group home.  The people at his day program.

Once out of the hospital, he is going to an inpatient nursing facility for rehab.  That is a blessing in disguise.  More than likely inpatient care will keep him from going off is meds.  Every time a nursing home is suggested he gets belligerent but a nursing home is what he needs.  Now he does not have a choice.  Hopefully temporary becomes permanent.

Any Who.  I am FIN.  If you’d like to join this merry band of prompt respondents or see their fine artistic works, then click here for the Rules and Ping Back.

As always, more to come.


He donated his hair for his birthday. Or more accurately he gave this pony tail to me to donate. Sports Clips cuts but they won’t mail.

Pony’s ponytail 6/28/18

Pony: Why?

Me: Why what?

Pony: Why are you taking a picture of my hair?

Me: I want a before and after.

Pony: That’s not going on FB is it?

Me: Not directly.

While I loved his long hair. I’m happy when he does something compassionate. He has beautiful hair. So soft. Nice curls. I almost want to keep it.

Eww. Weirdo. I hear you. I saved the hair from his first hair cut. This is sort of the same.

No? Ok.

Pony tail is packed and ready for mailing.

Here are a few random snaps.

As always more to come.

What Fresh Hell?

I just love that question. Not really.  I just love saying HELL!! Cursing takes the edge off.

Any who.  I am working at home in order to get a jump start on tonight’s festivities.  I had one final meeting during which I got a call that I did not take … from area code 512 …

So, … we know what that means.  Well I know what that means.  Those calls are from patient for whom I just pay the bills.  He left a message this time.  No translator.

Patient: Jill, I am in the hospital.  I broke my leg.  My left leg. Call me back at 512-xxx (what’s the number here?)

Nurse: 512-xxx-xxxx

As soon as I got the voice mail, I called back.  Time lapse was within 15 minutes.  The line just rings … forever … until I get a fast busy signal and a disconnect.  I call back the number on caller ID vs. the direct number.  The switchboard (yes I said switchboard) answers and I explain what happened.  I ask to speak with the patient.

Operator: that happens when the phone in the room isn’t answered.  He could be in the middle of treatment or maybe he is sleeping all drugged up.

My thought bubble is oh really. You have no idea sister.  Can you say HIPPA?

Operator: I can transfer you to the nurses’ station.

Me: Yes Please do.

Nurse answers.

Me: Can I leave a message for _________.  I want him to know I got his message and called but no answer.  Tell him that I will try again later.  

Nurse commits to relaying message.

Now the question becomes will I call back?  I’d like to think I will.  And I know I should.  But here’s the thing about should.  That word should … it SHOULD be stricken from the dictionary.  It comes with obligations and expectations and forced actions. Who is to say what is correct? I have been given permission to do what I want, not what I should.  Too bad I didn’t just take the call.  Then I’d be done with it.

Oh well HELL!  There is that word again.

As always, more to come.

Where Were You 6/28/88?

Me? I worked a regular day … late duty … until 6 p.m.  I had a rather interesting day having hung up on a customer.  So unlike myself.  But I was after all 9 months pregnant.  I had no idea what to expect as this was our first child.  Boy or girl? We had no idea.  Yes sonograms existed in 1988 but no insurance would not pay unless medically necessary.  No such thing as gender reveal parties.

When I arrived home, close to 7 p.m., the crib was still in pieces on the living room floor.  And B and his friend D were talking about cars.  Just shooting the breeze.

Me: WTH, why is the crib still in pieces? You were supposed to have it done on Sunday!  It is Tuesday!

Me (not waiting for an answer): I am going to Lung Fungs for dinner, if you want to join me, then hurry the hell up cuz I’m leaving.

And D joined us too.  We had a nice dinner.  I was in labor the whole time and said nothing.  After dinner, I told D to leave unless he wanted to witness a birth.  Then B and I walked and did all the lamaze things as best as we could remember.

At almost midnight, we made the very short drive to SE Baptist hospital.  I told the girl in admitting that I was sure it was false labor.  I was wrong.  At 2:50 a.m., our baby boy entered the world.  And in an instant, life was made infinitely better.  Can you just feel the love?

Happiest of Happy Birthdays to my Sonshine.  Light of my life. ❤

As always, more to come.


Grouchy Goose

B griped the whole time we were looking for thumb tacks but he hung the banner for me anyway. For old times sake ya know. I bought the banner from Winn’s 29 years ago. For Pony’s first bday party.

Change of plans. Tomorrow our dining room will be full and tonight my heart ♥️ is full. When you can’t decide on a restaurant to celebrate your 30th birthday, your mama makes egg rolls for you.

As always more to come.

Things I Learned at Book Club

Tonight was Fun with a capital F!

We tried something different this month. We each picked our own book 📚 and then gave a synopsis. As you all know I’m constantly looking to add to my TBR queue. Here’s our list:

  1. Crimson Lake by Candice Fox
  2. Death of a Prankster by M.C. Beaton
  3. Mama Makes Up Her Mind: And Other Dangers of Southern Living by Bailey White
  4. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman
  5. Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon
  6. Ninth Hour by Alice McDermott
  7. Winterdance by Gary Paulsen
  8. Dragon Teeth by Michael Crichton
  9. Lord of the Flies by William Golding
  10. Under Heavens Shining Star by Jean Granger

Our librarian is the best. She made a slide show with our picks and added some quotes she found online. If available, she included videos. The book to movie route is prolific.

So what did I learn? Well variety is the spice of life. My fellow book club participants are wicked smart. I (by association) am becoming better. And lastly, I learned the term dildo was coined way before 1876. Seriously.

Who knew? Now you all do. If you’d like to know more about Calamity Jane and her proclivities read Dragon Teeth by Michael Crichton. Lol. That’s the book that’s up next for me.

So many books, so little time.

As always more to come.

Small Scale Circle of Life Questions

Lulu picked her pants up from the floor and got stung by a scorpion 🦂 that was hiding in them.

Me (sarcastically joking): See what happens when you leave your pants 👖 on the floor.

Lulu: I’m in no mood for your jokes.

It barely got her on the thumb. She’s fine. Worked her whole shift with no issues.

Day before, I killed one 🦂 in the hall. Day after, she was taking her towel from the bar and one 🦂 fell out. Didn’t sting her and she smashed it was a shampoo bottle.

Today B had one 🦂 in his t-shirt. He was stung about three times before he realized it. He claims to be immune strong he man that he is.

That’s four in less than a week. Reminiscent of our first year here. Was a scorpion 🦂 bonanza. He’d go on patrol around the house with a flashlight 🔦 in dark and the little buggers would be on the exterior. Smash, smash, smash.

But then the fire 🔥 ants 🐜 got busy and down went the scorpions 🦂. This year the weather has been so dry though that the ants are not moving as much hence the uptick in scorpion 🦂 sightings.

Given the options, I’d prefer the fire ants. Or should I? We’ve never had fire ants in the house 🏡. But which are worse on the ecology? Inquiring minds want to know. Any ecologists out there?

As always moreto come.