Share Your World ~ 2/8/22

We are back at it again, thanks to Melanie. I’m always a day late and a dollar short but that’s a-okay. Time to get after it.


What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? That Bigfoot is real. JK, but along those lines, I’d be surprised if any of the fringe theories were in fact realities.

If aliens landed on earth tomorrow and offered to take you home with them, would you go? Hell no. I hate to fly as it is, definitely not going in their spaceship. Now if they could beam me up Scotty, perhaps I’d go. Of course they’d have to be friendlies but that’s a given.

What breed of dog would you be?  If you’re more a cat person – what breed of cat? I love both but since I have two dogs at the moment, I’ll go with their breed with is red heeler/labrador mix. I sure want to know what they’re talking about for real. Not just what I assume they’re saying.

Bubble gum?  Yay or nay? Nay, chewing bubble gum gives me a headache. I used to enjoy it as a kid though, practicing til I could blow bubbles that covered my face, then pop. What a weird thing to do but I think we all did it.

GRATITUDE SECTION  (As always, optional)

Feel free (no pressure) to share some gratitude from January of this year. I’ve much to be grateful for that choosing is hard. I guess I’ll go with being gainfully employed. Pinch me I must be dreaming.

FIN for now. See you fine folks next week. Boy that’s a bunch of f’s in my closing.

As always, more to come.