#SoCS ~ 2/5/22

We are back in the business as usual game where Linda writes and I copy paste: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “page.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun! Well you don’t have to tell me twice but you may have to tell me three or four times. Participating in #SoCS is tons of fun, so much so that to participate should be a sin. Onward all ye heathens, to the Rules and Pingback.

First, happy 79th birthday to the guy who built the Internet aka our PoPo. Cheers to another trip around the sun. We are fortunate to have you in our lives.

Page as a noun makes me think of books and my love of reading. Page as a verb makes me think of now defunct pagers … do such things still exist? I’d think not. However, truth be told, my very first thought (or second since PoPo’s b-day was first) was musical. Shocker I know. Keeping this post short and sweet I leave you with Bob Seger. I hope I’m not supposed to be boycotting him or something because I sure do enjoy this song. That saxophone at the beginning and end. Chills!

As always, more to come.