#SLS ~ 9/26/21

Jim tells us that it is Fandango Sunday and our theme is Other, That, This. Sweet! The Doors lyrics have become an ear worm. “Break on through to the other side …” but I imagine someone will pick that song. I went looking for something different. But that turned into analysis paralysis. So many songs, so little time. Lol. Blink and hours have gone by. Music is wonderful that way. I finally landed on Ebony Eyes by Bob Welch. Lyrics within the video.

Sunday Reflections A Week in Review ~ 9/26/21

Here’s a quick roll call. I might be back later with something else. I’m feeling chatty but I’m not sure yet if that need to share will take over or if I’ll turn inward. Either way Sunday is already shaping up to be a fantastic day.

Peace y’all. Until next time. Stay safe.

As always, more to come.