#SoCS ~ 2/13/21

Time once again for #SoCS where the lovely Linda prompts us with the following:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “above/below.” Use one, use both, use ’em however they inspire you. Bonus points if you use them both. Enjoy!

If you’d like to join in and/or read all the other creative works, here are the rules and ping back.

Hmm! Think, think, and think!! What am I gonna do with above/below. All I have is an earworm. Dang nabit. Now that’s all she wrote. A good ear worm but still …

In the words of John Lennon

“No hell below us
Above us only sky”

Ahhh now that’s the ticket. Nice to listen to some tunes while we hunker down. The weather outside is frightening. We’re finally experiencing winter here. They removed snow from the forecast for Monday but still not predicted to get out of the teens temp wise. Yepper way BELOW freezing maybe even to a single digit if the weatherman is to be believed. We won’t see temps ABOVE that until Wednesday if we’re lucky.

I detest winter!!

In protest to the cold, I’m gonna do nothing today. Lounge and read and lounge some more. I may even take a nap. I’ve got my tea kettle singing to keep the hot cuppas coming. I’m wearing my fuzziest of fuzzy socks and kitty slippers too. Thank goodness for fleece. I wub my blankee ❤

And now that’s all she wrote. Happy Saturday folks. Hope it’s a good one.

As always, more to come.

Kitty slippers