#SoCS for 12/1/18 ~ ma


Wait! What?

I know it’s early.  Well not that early. You did sleep in.

You look to Linda like you do every Saturday and what to your wondering eyes does appear?  This …

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ma.” Use it as a word or find a word with “ma” in it. Bonus points if you start your post with that word. Enjoy!

BONUS points!! You don’t have to tell me twice.  I WIN!!!

Hmmm, ma is not a word.  Ma is a sound or what some people call their mothers. Hmmm.  Correction, ma is a word.  As in, I miss my mama. Not going sad today.

Think, think and think.




Something is happening in ye old brain!

Yes! Cheech and Chong.

“Ma-ma-ma-cita, donde esta Santa Cleese” …

Plus it is December 1st after all.  And it wouldn’t be Christmas without hearing this bit on the radio at least once or twice before January rolls around. Maybe it is a San Antonio thing so I added a clip to spread the love just in case you’ve never heard.  Lots of man throughout which is a ma word so again, I WIN!

Well, … what’d you think?

Some may not find this funny.  Some may find this un-PC.  Cheech and Chong might be an acquired taste.  But for me, this is nostalgic.  I am reminded of a time when comics made comedy albums to market their standup routines.  Brought laughter to the masses that may have otherwise missed out.

Can you youngsters believe it??? Once upon a time, we had vinyl.  An album was a collection of songs.  My parents had various albums that were off-limits to us kids.

Though if we were ever home alone, we’d listen to the forbidden records on a stereo deep within a huge over-sized cabinet.  These original sound systems were the focal piece of every living room back in the day.


I didn’t get what was the big deal and why these albums were taboo.  I guess I didn’t understand most of the humor any way.  I imagine by today’s standards those old jokes were pretty lame.

“Santa Clause and His Old Lady” never actually made the debut LP.  But every Christmas since 1971, it gets airplay.  My favorite of C&C has to be Sister Mary Elephant because I was a Catholic school kid.  “Claaaassss, claaassss SHUT UP!”  Why I never!  Our nuns would never tell us to shut up but they may have put soap in someone’s mouth for cursing. 😮

Welp, that’s all she wrote folks.  Have an excellent Saturday.  I am going out and will hopefully find something to laugh about.  I may or may not have eaten the “brownies” for breakfast first ;).  Happy! Happy!!  Happy!!!

If you’d like to join this band pf prompt respondents or see their works extraordinaire, look here for the rules and ping back.

26 thoughts on “#SoCS for 12/1/18 ~ ma

  1. Santa’s magic dust! Love this, I’d watched all their films in the late 80’s early 90’s I guess. Never heard any of their spoken word stuff on records. Love it, I may have a revisit. I love how they twisted the Santa in their eyes. Funny stuff, it is my cup of tea!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We had a sound system in a wood cabinet just like that growing up! What I remember most is opening it to watch the Christmas carols record spin while we sang along. 💛

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I remember hearing the Sister Mary Elephant a lot, but not the Christmas story. As I go through my parent’s stuff, I’ve been listening to the vinyl records on one of two turntables. I have to lift the arm to the right place since it doesn’t quite make it to the record, but that’s okay. The turntable in the big old stereo doesn’t work, but the radio still does. No Cheech and Chong, but my dad saved my old Melanie album and a bunch of old 45s including “They’re Coming to Take me Away, ha ha” That’s the closest thing to C&C.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. LOL I had not heard this before. Pretty funny. In ’71 I was a sophomore in high school and was too goodie-goodie to listen to Cheech and Chong. They talked about smoking that funny stuff. I’ve changed a lot since then…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The C&C line that never goes away for me, “You mean we’re smokin’ dog shit?” This is going on my FB page. I went to Catholic School too. When you’re 12 and one of them calls ya ‘mister Reynolds,’ you know it’s gunna be bad just by the tone. Yah, man.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lol! Love C&C. Been listening to the loop that follows the video I put up. Just like yesterday, I remember ALL the words.

      Yah man tis true. Good ole days when rulers were weapons of choice to enforce discipline.

      Liked by 1 person

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