Being Healthy Is Expensive

We are trying to eat at home more. So today instead of grabbing something from the drive-through, we’re making chicken manicotti. It’s a Clifton Sheets recipe so it’s health-conscious.

AnyWho the skim milk mozzarella … real stuff … hand 🤚 rolled into a ball is 10.99 a pound. We only needed 3 ounces but still that’s pricey. And then as a treat, we got some Rainer cherries 🍒 for 7.98 a pound. To economize, we got 10 cherries each = 1/3 of a pound. Rounding out the meal was a mini loaf of fresh baked french bread 🥖.

But the kicker are the limes. They are 75 cents each! Guess cuz they’re organic. I asked where are the non organic limes … you know the ones for 20 cents each. But Gucci B doesn’t do non organic limes. Guess we’re having ginger ale from Dublin TX instead of homemade limeade.


Because I’m a cheap skate 😂

As always more to come.

#SoCS for 5/26/18 ~ Grill

Well howdy folks!  Top-O-The Morning To You!!  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write stream of consciousness style about today’s prompt which is grill.  If you don’t want to write, at least look here for the rules and ping back to read some wonderful entries.  Linda, our hostess with the mostess,  says we can use grill any way we want.  Also don’t forget to have fun!

Grill.  Hmmm.  Think, think, and think.

Well J-Dub, you have been following Write Club.  Maybe you want to throw your hand at short fiction #SoCS style?  And what does throw your hand even mean?  You’ve lost it this early in the flow.  What a pity.

Wait! Light bulb went on!  Throw my hat into the ring.  That’s what I meant.

No Wait! Try my hand at short fiction.  That’s what I meant.

Your timer is ticking.  You’ve lolly-gaged around so much that you’re not going to finish. C’mon.   Just jot!  Doh! It is not January.

So much for this lame attempt at the grill prompt.  I could’ve gone the safe route and talked about backyard BBQ and other such fare.  Or I could have gone down the suspect route and used grill in a manor of eliciting a confession.  That is where my head was at when I started … to write a flash fiction “you’ll never take me alive coppers” sort of story.  Oh well, there is always next week.

As always, more to come.