#SoCS ~ 8/14/21

well, well, well … what have we here? The prompt y’all. From one Linda G Hill. The host with the most. She writes and I copy paste Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “luck.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy! To join in with all the lil leprechauns, four leaf clovers, horseshoes, turtles, and elephants, HERE are the rules and ping back.

Hmm. Luck. Think, think, and think …

With a little luck

We can help it out

We can make this whole damn thing work out

Oh to the no! Earworm alert. That was my first bubble despite Paul being my least favorite Beatle. Sorry but my order is George, Ringo, John, the one they kicked out, then Paul, Ha! Like anyone cares. Hope you enjoy this musical interlude instead of my prattling about.

I’m streaming with no time to review but I think the one that got the boot … Stuart somebody … became a family man and when asked years later how he felt to be almost famous he said something to the effect of I got the better deal. To each his/her/their own as they whoever they are say.

The other day I saw a meme where Jim Carrey said something to the effect of I wish everyone could be famous to learn it isn’t what it is cracked up to be.

All this from the prompt of luck. Hmmm. What a weird way my brain works.

These things are stuck in my brain, lucky girl that I am. No joke. I’ve been extremely lucky in life. Chosen, loved unconditionally, married to my childhood sweetheart. Stuff like that. Some may say that’s not luck but kind of is in my opinion because I just wake up that way. Things fell into my lap. Everything coming up roses for me and my gal but No Roses for Harry. My favorite book as a child.

Moving on. We had lots of emotion this week at work. And the we is in me. Jilly. J-Dub, heart on her sleeve. Grateful for good fortune. Luckiest girl alive. If you feel the feels like I feel the feels you get hurt. Often. But you are also able experience ultimate joy in that same way too doncha know it, I’m telling ya what.

My final thought came from what someone said during our team what’s on our mind chat. They said the grass isn’t always greener except where you water it. Profound. Really struck a chord, I’m telling ya what. I’m off to water my garden.

And with that, lemme let ya go.

As always, more to come.