#SoCS ~ 8/7/21

Cheers to another Saturday!! The first Saturday of August to be exact. One week is almost in the books. Hard to believe school is about to start up again. Now on to the main event.

#SoCS is in the house. The lovely Linda gives us the following prompt: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “wee.” Use the word “wee” or find a word that contains it and use it in your post. Have fun! For those who would like to play along, here are the rules and ping back.

Hmmm, think, think, and think. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! Squeegee!!! Which is not wee as in Wee Willie Winkie! Ah ha! The nursery rhyme. Well that’s gonna stick. Stack, stuck. Weeeeeeeeeeeee! Willie Winkie. Is he like Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod? Besides the sleep part, not really.

Last year when I was doing my deep clean, I found my doll Charlie. If I picture Wee Willie, I see this …

I could have used weekend or Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down. Or weep as in willow. Or George’s guitar. Ah yes, my favorite Beatle. But nope, I got stuck with Mister Wee Willie. And there’s not much more to say about that.

Despite a brief scare yesterday when Pony learned he was exposed to the dreaded Covid, things are sunshine and rainbows around here. Not sure if his vaccine worked or he just got lucky or both. He tried to explain, the delay in notification wasn’t about his employer but the site owners. I don’t understand how one person’s anonymity beats a public health emergency. The exposure occurred Monday. Generic email went out Thursday. And yesterday one hour before shift ended they were told it was your floor and your section.

When asked what next? The answer was whatever you want. The site manager told his boss that after five days, they were likely in the clear. He went on to say get tested. Don’t get tested. Quarantine, don’t quarantine. Buh bye ‘see’ you in a week since you’re rotating one week in, one week at home.

The free rapid tests through CVS or Walgreens were booked until Tuesday, He opted for an at home version which was negative. He’ll take the 2nd at home in 3 days. Supposedly he’d already be feeling symptoms and he isn’t. Or he could be asymptomatic. Of the nine folks in his area, seven are negative too and two he has not heard from.

And me, I have this smelly grapefruity sanitizer that I am practically huffing. If I eventually can’t smell that, I’ll test myself. Meanwhile masks are on again. Or just stay home. Binge trash TV and eat like crap because you’re a stress eater Jilly, you know that. McDonald’s for supper last night with a peanut buster parfait chaser from Dairy Queen. Never a dull moment, I tell ya what.

As always, more to come.