Thursday Thoughts ~ 4/15/21

Happy what would have been tax day. Thanks to the Rona we have more time. Not sure having more time is a good thing but oh well.

My mind is popping like pop corn in oil. The old fashion kind made on the stove in a skillet. Pop! Pop-pop!!

B just found out his cousin has stage 4 lung cancer. They are a month apart in age, grew up together paying at grandma’s house before going their own ways later in life. Brings you right back to the good old days. Praying his battle will be won but realizing the alternative is likely.

This same cousin had Hodgkin’s lymphoma at 20. Then a reoccurrence in his 40s that he fought vigilantly. The doctors think this most recent cancer is a direct side effect of the radiation and chemo he took battling the reoccurrence.

Throughout all this he is still working. He’s actually planning a business trip to Indiana. Boy howdy! That is fortitude. I am awed, amazed and inspired. True we never really know what we will do when faced with limited choices. Some people rise to the fight and others well they succumb. I’d like to think I would buck up if placed in the same position but more than likely I’d take to my bed. Hope I will never have to find out.

Another recent example is my cousin Marie. She has been battling cancer for years now. Several close calls but still she powers on; making trips for treatment to Houston from rural Seguin TX. Most recently a medication taken for anxiety and to deal with the pain has made it where she cannot open her mouth. Yesterday she posted a very raw selfie with a caption, maybe this is a good thing? She is a talker. Joking that this gives her hubby a break. Her smile was turned completely upside down and locked shut, yet there was light and levity in her shining eyes.


There but for the grace of God go I.

As always, more to come.

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