#WDIIA 3/26/20

Let’s stay connected at this link http://lindaghill.com/2020/03/26/what-day-is-it-anyway-thursday-march-26th-2020-help-wanted/

No idea how to link off my phone. Hope this pings back.

Last night we got a call at almost 3am. My mother in law fell out of bed or stumbled going to the bathroom. We’ll never know which. My father in law tried but couldn’t lift her. She’s not big but they’re both a bit feeble. That sounds terrible. I’m sorry. Not sure how else to explain.

B rushed over there and got her back into bed. Today she says she’s sore. Nothing broken but her pride thank goodness. I couldn’t get back to sleep and kept asking B to wash his hands. He said she doesn’t have COVID and for me to simmer down.

I’ve lost it. Paranoid one of the four of us will get sick. Acting like I have it and I’m trying not to spread it. I’m refusing to go to the store. Under the stay order only one person (head of household) should go. That’s not me. B went solo today while I worked remotely. No hoarding here. Meal planned for one week. Same as usual.

I hope everyone is adapting. Like with anything there is good and bad. We’re sure learning about each other. Heard many say true colors are showing. On that front, I’ve seen much more good.

As always more to come.

14 thoughts on “#WDIIA 3/26/20

  1. So glad she is ok Jill. Reading your comment above, keep and eye on the falling. If it happens again another adjustment to her meds might be needed. I feel you acting like you have it and trying not to spread it around is the way everyone should act and this thing would slow down, go away, and we could get back to normal 🙂 I’m not saying that because I act that way too or maybe I am hahahaha but it is the way this virus will slow down.

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    1. Thanks Lisa. In the last year, she’s fallen several times. Her blood pressure medicine was adjusted and that did the trick until last night. Hoping it’s not anything more serious this go around.

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      1. I will send prayers to you and your family. Both my parents are gone after difficult times. Will tell you about them sometimes. We could send your in-laws back to work to take one for the team!!! 😂😂😂 sorry…too soon?💕

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  2. Scary when the elders are alone at a time like this. I went to the store today using the senior hours and scored some toilet paper, just my allotted one package. No eggs though. In our house, my husband is at greater risk than I am so I go to the store or our daughter does. Son took the train home from work today which is not the preferable way, but he is 31 and stubborn so I’ll settle for just taking him to work in the morning and making him disinfect himself before he comes in the house. Stay calm as you can, Jill. Sending virtual hugs.

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    1. Glad you found what you needed. Eggs are elusive here too but the week before this went down all they had was a 18 pack. We’ve still got 6 left.

      That’s a good plan for you or your daughter to shop. I wonder how they will enforce head of household. B said there were couples even families in the store with him today.

      My 31 yo is work from home but I worry anyway. He went a few places leading up to shelter in place. Assume he’s okay yet I’m still counting down 14 days.

      I have moments of calm. Thanks for the virtual hugs 🤗. Sending some right back to you too.

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