Ever Wonder Why?

Uh ya, all the freaking time.  My mind never stops. It’s a curse I tell ya.

So I looked at my keyboard.  It’s a plain Jane variety that came with the PC.   A downgrade from the wireless keyboard I had previously.  But I don’t care, it just gots to type.  No need for bells and whistles.

Any who, none of that has anything to do with anything. It’s filler y’all.

Any who part two.  I wonder why did the C disappear completely from the keyboard along with most of the E?  Why do S and D look smudged?  And why is the O half gone?


Huh?  Why? Things that make you go Hmmm.

Disclaimer: I have no copyrights to the song and/or video and/or hyperlinks to songs and/or videos and/or gifs above. No copyright infringement intended.

I bet if I Googled that sH!t, I’d find out that C is the magic letter used most often by the WORLD!!!  Or I could start a rumor that C is the most used letter.  Bet the peoples would believe it.  We believe everything on the Internet don’t cha know.

As always, more to come.