#SoCS ~ 12/18/21

Good morning fine folks of bloglandia. Another Saturday is upon us. Time to roll with the flow. Get it? #SoCS baby. Where the lovely Linda prompts us with the following:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is ā€œopposites.ā€Ā Use the word ā€œoppositesā€ or write about things that are opposites. Have fun!

If you too would like to join in the fun and frolic, HERE are the rule and ping back.

Opposites! Hmmm. Think, think, and think. Opposites attract. Fact. And in some cases, that can be okay but other times, being opposite of your partner is a recipe for disaster. But to each their own. I’m not Ann Landers and this is no advice column.

Think doggone it. Opposites.

For some reason I think about batteries or a magnet. Plus (positive) and minus (negative) for the batteries. North and south poles for magnets. Anyone else remember those little magnetic balls that shot across the room away from each other? Pew, pew! like little pistols. Yep the things one remembers when prompted. But I’m not Professor Proton and this is not a science class.

I feel a theme coming on … this is not that and I’m not a lot of things …

If I keep going, this could take all day. But we don’t have all day. We’ve got places to go and people to social distance from. As the lil sass says Lemme let ya go. Until next time. Wishing you a sensational Saturday.

As always, more to come.