#SoCS for 2/23/19 ~ Critic(al)

Good morning bloglanida.  Time once again for #SoCS.  The lovely Linda says:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “critic(al).” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

“Here comes the rain again

Falling on my head like a memory

Falling on my head like a new emotion

So baby talk to me …”

This is stream and I woke up with an ear worm dang-nabit.  “so baby talk to me … like lovers do”  Move on Annie Lenox!!  Get out of my head would ya?

Critic as in everyone’s a critic.  Well sure we are because we all have our own opinions.  We give critique as color commentary to our lives.

There is nothing better than talking with the brain trust.  I tell ya what.  B, Pony and I had one of those critical political debates last night over dinner.  And I just sat there listening for a moment and drank it all in.  I am so glad we are of the same sentiment.  Safety in numbers or some such nonsense.  I truly enjoyed the conversation!!!!

There’s a picture floating around FB where an older man and his granddaughter are seated at a table.  She has her cell phone and he is just sitting there looking down.  The caption reads something like you’re missing out little girl, you just don’t know it yet.  Well damn.  And here comes the tears again just like that damn rain Annie keeps singing about.  I’ve been misty lot lately y’all.  Not sure why.  Maybe it is just that I miss my parents and grandparents dearly.  Or maybe it’s a tumor.

Anyway, critical is not always a bad thing.  Why?  Well because how else can we improve without some constructive criticism?  Or at least some healthy debate and introspection?  Huh?  Tell me puhleese.  I’d love to hear from you people of the earth ala Billy Thorp “Children of the Sun”

And on that note of one hit wonder music, we are outta here.  Going to Confluence Park to try and snag a free tree.  Wishing everyone a wonderful Saturday.  Stay dry and warm and all that good stuff.

To join in or see what the others have offered, here are the rules and ping back

As always, more to come.

24 thoughts on “#SoCS for 2/23/19 ~ Critic(al)

  1. LOL It’s NOT a toomah! I love “Here Comes the Rain Again.” I sing it almost every time is starts raining, and it’s one of the few songs I’m comfortable doing karaoke to in front of people. I know that doesn’t help your ear worm. “Children of the Sun” is a good one, too, and a nice alternative.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Right. There is critical thinking, which is not bad. Right? Before retirement I was a quality assurance guy. I was paid to be a critic (critical) when it was appropriate (meaning often).

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I had people turn around and go the other way rather than say hello. It was a lonely isolating time. I felt like the Maytag repairman except we were not as good as Maytags if that makes any sense.

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  3. I love that Eurythmics song and how you circle back on it. Hoping you found a free tree at Confluence Park and that there are plenty of sunny days ahead.

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