M is for Metallica ~ 4/15/24

Well of course it is … Metallica is the music of our youth. How the heck can I pick a single song though …

I was going to go with “Sad but True” because Pony would sing along to the song thinking the words were “sad patrol” … he wanted to be in the safety patrols for his 4K class but you had to be in 6th grade for that. He was so pissed. LOL

In getting back to the theme, “Master of Puppets” it is … Why? Because of the renewed interest in this song piqued by the Netflix series Stranger Things. We’ve watched all the seasons so far but let our subscription to Netflix go. Might have to renew soon to be sure & see what’s next in the upside down.

It’s a long video. Be prepared to be awed and amazed. Just me? I don’t think so … LOL

Click HERE for more information.