Q is for Queen ~ 4/19/24

For my boy, his favorite Queen song …

Songwriter: Freddie Mercury

For B, his favorite Queen song

Songwriters: Freddie Mercury, Brian May, John Deacon, & Roger Taylor

For Lulu, favorite Queen song

Songwriter: Freddie Mercury

I couldn’t pick a favorite Queen song if I tried. I had their greatest hits CDs. I spent days listening over & over without a single disappointment. The CDs disappeared somewhere, not in the small little stack of CDs that I kept after my Swedish death clean.

Now I have a very fond memory to share. Do any of the old folks remember calling radio stations to win prizes? Maybe that still happens. Be the 11th caller to answer the question of the day? Well my brother LJ Jr was the king of that kind of stuff. He somehow had the fastest dialer in the west & no matter what number caller they asked for, he got in as that person. And this was with rotary phone y’all. He is the unluckiest lucky person we know (so many stories behind why we say that ). Well this one random day he won the Queen album Jazz. Fat Bottom Girls was so risqué or so us kids thought. We’d call out “get on your bikes and ride” as we rode around the neighborhood. The best!

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