Z is for the Zombies ~ 4/30/24

We made it y’all. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!

What kind of self respecting Texan am I if I don’t go with ZZ Top? I’m a fan & all but the Zombies won out over the boys from Houston (my mother’s domicile until her death).

I grew up in the 60’s & 70s which was a magical time IMHO. I joke I was born late because I wanted to be older like my siblings. I was the youngest of eight & I looked up to my siblings. I wanted to be cool like them. In 2021, I found out I was the oldest of three on mother’s side. In 2024, I found out I was second oldest of five on father’s side. Don’t try & figure it out, just go with the flow.

Now back to the challenge. I picked Time of the Season by the Zombies. We might have even had the 45 for this song? Fuzzy memory. Anyway, these lyrics fit me … y’all I can’t make this stuff up … What’s your name, who’s your daddy …

Geez Jilly you had to go there huh? Yep, I did have to go there … absolutely no disrespect though. This is what is …. Life which from my purview is a pretty damn good one. Which wouldn’t have happed BTW if I had a different beginning.

Besides, I know who my daddy was. That sweet honorable man who raised me as his own despite not sharing one drop of blood. He didn’t have to love me but he did … without condition. And I loved him right back with my whole heart. And now I found more family. And I love them too. Proof that two things can be true. How Sweet It Is!

Songwriter: Rod Argent

Click HERE for more information.