Sunday Reflections ~ 4/28/24

Do not read books about depression because you sink down into the quagmire. As I hurry up & wait for things to happen during this move, I’m intermittently reading While You Were Out by Meg Kissinger. Her raw honest portrait is one I gravitated to being the youngest of 8 in a big Catholic family. Our dysfunction was different from her family’s dysfunction but close enough for horse shoes.

As much as I say I want to retire, I don’t. Working keeps me going and occupied. Nothing worse than an idle Jilly.

And on that note, I may or may not have punked out on seeing the bios. We’re tentatively scheduled for today. I’m a mess. I know. I want to but don’t want to bother if that makes sense. Them or me. I wish a sign would appear to me! What should Jilly & Pony do? The magic 8 ball says …

As always more to come