Sunday Supper ~ 4/21/24

This will be the final Sunday Supper for a while that includes all my kids. Pony & I take off tomorrow morning. First stop Albuquerque, then Salt Lake City, finally to Vancouver. I’ll be flying back solo & crying in my beer … or other beverage of choice. If this is a repeat of last Sunday sorry. Not very original. Today’s menu is Big Lou’s pizza though compared to my homemade eggrolls from last week.

We’ll have a little time to sightsee. Recommendation from a native Portlandian co-worker was to go to the International Test Rose Garden since roses aside, the view from the top is a view of a lifetime. That’s a big yes for me! Then he says to definitely try an ice cream from Salt & Straw. Can’t wait!!

In the spirit of togetherness, see ya later folks. I will be back to my regularly scheduled fodder on Wednesday 5/1/24. Hope I pick up some stories along my travels.

As always, more to come.