Sunday Supper ~ 4/7/24

I’m writing this in advance so I can keep my streak of consecutive days in a row alive. We are in Rocksprings for the eclipse. Cell service is basically nonexistent. Not taking any chances so sneaking this in here now. Sadly they are predicting clouds. Our once or twice in a lifetime event could be ruined if the weatherman is right.

The title Sunday Supper means nothing right now. Though I’m penciling it in as a potential topic to repeat. Sunday Supper is what we used to call a meeting of the brain trust. When we gathered to break bread around the dining room table as a family, no electronics, just food, and conversation. I need to get back to writing about those suppers again. There is always a nugget or two worth sharing.

As always, more to come.

6 thoughts on “Sunday Supper ~ 4/7/24

    1. San Antonio only had a 90% chance. Plus they were predicting cloud days in advance. That’s why we left. Glad we did because we saw everything. My coworkers are telling me they saw nothing.

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