Sunday Reflections: A Week in Review ~ 10/15/23

Vacation is over but the feeling is lasting. I’m taking charge ya see. Like last week when our boss, who is soon to retire, had a nice little chat with us about our uncertain future. He said “you keep showing up, doing what you do, knocking it outta the park, and control the only part you can which is your reaction”. Powerful stuff my peeps, VERY powerful.

This meeting was in response to round 4 of layoffs. Impacted employees were notified Tuesday 10/10/23. Last time I took a vacation the same thing happened. That was round 3. Notifications went out 6/13/23. I was spared then too. Superstitious, joking Jilly says she will never take vacation again. Ha! Actually, we’re planning for 2024 & our 40th wedding anniversary trip extravaganza. We have an appointment to complete the process for passports on 10/20/23.

Alrighty, time to roll call then get this show on the road. Lots to do today. But I’m relishing every second of it!

Until next time. Be cool 😉

As always, more to come.

4 thoughts on “Sunday Reflections: A Week in Review ~ 10/15/23

    1. I agree! Much needed. I really do hope to survive the next axe too. Rumors are one is coming after the first of the year once my current executive leader is replaced after his retirement. Can’t stop living in the meantime so we prepare.

      B tells me “well now you can finally work at a bookstore … if there are any more bookstores”. Ha! He knows me so well 🙂


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