Friday Feels ~ 10/13/23

I’m not suspicious about Friday the 13th. Or maybe I am 🤔 but in a good way. No bad juju, especially in October. My niece, wonderful coworker, high school friend, & the US Navy are all celebrating 🥳 birthdays today! That alone is reason to cheer!

This morning B & I went to breakfast at our local Jalisco. We had the place to ourselves. Long overdue chat time. When we got home 🏡, I snapped this photo. My day was made.

Clouds opening to a new day 10/13/23

Tonight we go to the rosary 📿 for our dear friend’s father. He passed unexpectedly on 10/10/23 at the tender age of 88! He had just returned from a trip to the casinos 🎰 to see extended family. A trip he was healthy enough to take alone. If that’s not comforting, well I don’t know what is ❤️‍🩹

If you’re wondering what turned me into Positive Polly, it’s my dear leader who is retiring shortly. In a meeting yesterday, he told us all we’d be okay 👌🏽. Right now we show up & we get to control our individual reactions. You see change … that is inevitable … is definitely on the horizon with our changing of the guard 💂. And as life imitates art, this was the last song 🎶 on the car radio when B & I got back from breakfast. Not an exact match to my situation but close enough for horseshoes 🐴🧲

Wishing everyone who stumbles across this post all the best.

As always, more to come.

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