Friday Feels ~ 9/29/23

In the most unexpected of places, I find comfort. I’m going to continue to let my freak flag fly. LOL & bazinga … we do watch way too many re-runs of The Big Bang Theory.

In response to the following picture, a dear friend & former colleague commented on FB.

We had not talked in ages … since she retired. But for several years, 5 days a week, we interacted. She was my work auntie!! We may have even ridden in the vanpool together. Both from “da hood”.

  • Friend – Always in deep thought
  • Me – I need to turn that off
  • Friend – no you don’t. You would not be Jill if you did.
  • Me – aww I feel better

And I felt great! Made it ok to be Jill. Maybe I’m not as odd as I profess to be …

I also added a funny meme to my story “Sorry for acting weird , I am weird and it will happen again”

  • Same Friend – Stop! You are not weird. Your friends would not change you one bit.
  • Me – Thank you my friend! Just processing “stuff” with humor. Gotta laugh
  • Same Firend – Yes laugh. I agree with the prescription. Hang in there.

Aww cue music.

Current favorite song 9/29/23

As always, more to come.

Friday Book Club: J-Dub’s Review of “We Lie Here” By Rachel Howzell Hall ~ 9/29/23

Non-spoiler review from Goodreads: Read this book straight through without stopping. A fast paced thriller that kept me guessing until the end. A recommended read.

Highlights for my commonplace book …

  • Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. How true!
  • My body is telling on itself, and now – the story of my life, ouch, ouch ouch …
  • I don’t want people messing around in my head, making me remember everything I’m trying to forget. My goal is to forgive & forget but not doing too well with that …
  • At six feet three, he’s a redwood of a man Having just stood under a redwood recently, these words paint a vivid picture
  • Plans were like tongues. Everyone had one and ignored the damn thing until it got bitten or burned. I love to plan but yea the follow through is another matter
  • he’s caring, and he never says anything he doesn’t truly mean. Which is why he doesn’t talk much I’m going to pretend I know someone like this to explain silence but then it also confirms my worst fear … I mean nothing to him
  • Or maybe my genetics are taking over, and the madness is setting in like pointy ears or thick eyebrows, also inherited from your parents I do wonder if one day the chickens will come home to roost bwahahaha

And that’s it for this one.

As always, more to come.