Sunday Supper ~ 5/5/24

Well Sunday Supper happened yesterday when we met the kids, Lulu & her intended after she got off work. We ate out at a new place called Sophia’s near their house. There are a few Jaliscos in the neighborhood that they will test out until they find their “Cheers!” For B & I that place is affectionately referred to ‘the place around the corner’ by our PoPo. Officially the name is Casa de Jalisco on Hwy 87, the former La Perla nee Carlos Kelly’s. Sophia’s was nice first test. Their chips & salsa was on point which is a sure sign of goodness. We won’t likely go back as the drive there is too far when we have ‘the place around the corner.’ Plus B & I are on a strict get healthy routine. Eating out will be cut back on for a while.

Okay speaking of PoPo, the poor guy is being run through the wringer. Aging is a privilege denied to many & we should all be grateful to be alive. Sadly what his beloved, our MoMo is doing isn’t living. She merely exists right now in a state of limbo. Yep, purgatory on earth. She is suffering for her sins right before our eyes. Which is hard to watch. There is no place more humbling than facilities such as Parklane West. He has said more than once that if there was a merciful God, he would take her right now. We won’t veer off into religion & what one believes or doesn’t believe only to say this man is one of the most devout human beings I have ever known. In addition to watching his wife wither away, he is having his own crisis of faith. “What did I ever do to deserve this?” Nothing! From our perch, this is overly punitive for the man whose nickname at the local pharmacy is “Mr. Sunshine.”

And with that, I will cease pontificating. My life rolls on with nary a blip. I’m doing the “administrative” part of our current situation. The easy part. Wish us luck folks. Something tell me we’re going to need it.

As always, more to come.

Sunday Supper ~ 4/21/24

This will be the final Sunday Supper for a while that includes all my kids. Pony & I take off tomorrow morning. First stop Albuquerque, then Salt Lake City, finally to Vancouver. I’ll be flying back solo & crying in my beer … or other beverage of choice. If this is a repeat of last Sunday sorry. Not very original. Today’s menu is Big Lou’s pizza though compared to my homemade eggrolls from last week.

We’ll have a little time to sightsee. Recommendation from a native Portlandian co-worker was to go to the International Test Rose Garden since roses aside, the view from the top is a view of a lifetime. That’s a big yes for me! Then he says to definitely try an ice cream from Salt & Straw. Can’t wait!!

In the spirit of togetherness, see ya later folks. I will be back to my regularly scheduled fodder on Wednesday 5/1/24. Hope I pick up some stories along my travels.

As always, more to come.

Sunday Supper ~ 4/14/24

I’ve been blogging daily because I must keep my streak alive but only A2Z & the new Sunday Supper. I don’t have enough time to write my usual fodder & participate in the weekly prompts I so enjoy. I will get back to that very soon though.

My priority right now is my oldest son-shine Pony Boy Dub. The kid with a heart of gold who was a lonely only for 9 1/2 years until his sister, Lulu Belle Dub came along. Cue music … He’s leaving …

Songwriters: Lennon-McCartney

For the 3rd time … this has to be the charm y’all. When he was barely 18, he left us the first time & lived with a few roommates. I vividly remember standing on the carport as he drove off down our winding driveway to his own place.

B: “He’ll be back to visit, come inside.”

Me “I need to be alone.”

I stood there until it got dark, crying silent tears. B would peek out the door. I’d wave him away.

Pony was 22 when he came back with his fiancée, now ex-wife. They lived with us about six months before moving in with her mother. When they left together that time, I didn’t have that same visceral reaction. This is the natural order of things.

Then he lost his job in a downsizing. Not for cause but because his audits could be done someplace else for less. He had the option to stay with a significant demotion or take the severance. He & one other person took the severance. It was then that he let us know the job was one he hated all 13 years he was there but that he sucked it up because that’s what married grownups do. They go to work & pay their bills. His natural inclination was in sales but with no benefits or guaranteed income, he opted for the safer, more hated option. After the layoff, he was back home.

He asked us for time … until January to figure it all out. We gave him grace. All along though he was planning his next move. That leads me to today.

He’s leaving … after much research on cost of living, etc. he landed on two possible locations & drew from a hat. He has a roommate already, another kindred soul who wants to leave Texas. As much as I worry that he is going without a job, I … no WE … both B & I are very happy for him. He is taking a giant leap of faith, one I was never brave enough to take. I squashed my wanderer spirit for the safer option too. If I had not blown out my knee right before basic training, no telling where I would be.

But I digress. This is not about my not going into the Army. This is about why at 8:30 AM on a Sunday morning, I got up & made the filling for my famous (to us) homemade egg rolls. He requested this meal as his last (for now) Sunday Supper.

Someone must be cutting onions in here. Oh yea, I use green onions in my filling. That must be it. If this batch is a little more salty, it’s not my crying y’all. I’m very very happy. I promise.

As always, more to come.

P.S. On this day exactly one year ago, I went to court in Austin & won my case to unseal my records from Home of the Holy Infancy. It was also the same day that Lulu & her partner moved into their new home. Good things come in threes when we add today’s events. ❤