#SoCS ~ 3/23/24

Linda says to write ✍️ about memories of the room we’re in as we complete the prompt. If we’re not in a room, we can use whatever place we’re at be it a park or the gym or wherever.

I’m in my living room of our forever home 🏡 which we moved into on January 19, 2000. I remember vividly how some folks were prepping for Y2K as we were prepping for our new abode. My friend was stocking up on canned goods & bottled water 💧 . B and I were going with the flow. We didn’t buy into the hype which turned out to be nothing. Not even a blip. My mother died never seeing this place but my daddy was with us until February 2007.

Have you ever heard the expression if these walls could talk? As I look around the living room so different than the original because we had to replace everything after the big break-in, I am flooded with gratitude. My heart ♥️ is full as I remember how we spent time together with our extended family. Every Christmas 🎄 from 2000 until 2006. All of us swinging from the proverbial rafters. So much food as everyone brought a dish. Always enough for leftovers. And the conversations!! I come from a long line of storytellers. The epic capstone though was the white elephant 🐘 gift exchange. No more than $5 for gag gift 🎁 even better if you went shopping 🛍️ in your closet 🤣 Not only can we tell stories, we’re creative in our gift giving with recycled hilarity. We tried to get together after daddy died but it wasn’t the same so we stopped ❤️‍🩹

Damn if someone isn’t cutting onions around here. I’m not crying, you’re crying 😢. They could’ve kicked me out after my momma died but they didn’t. I’m forever the adorable 🥰 (ya I said adorable) little sister. I really did hit the lottery with the family who raised me. And when I see myself trying to cultivate relationships with blood 🩸 kin, I question my motives. Lightning ⚡️ doesn’t strike twice in the same spot. How greedy to think 🤔 I could have those kind of relationships again, twice in my lifetime.

Still my heart ♥️ wants what it wants. I love complete strangers automatically. Hard for many to fathom but that’s the thing, it’s not understandable. I tried to explain my feelings to a friend but I got choked up when I started to explain. She stopped me and with her hand on my shoulder she said “Don’t try to speak. I get it. You love the world 🌎 so deeply because you were hurt so badly 😞” and she’s right. The preverbal trauma of relinquishment colors everything in my life.

I could keep streaming but I’m not gonna wallow. Instead I’m going to tidy up. Later we’ll order in a big breakfast. Then I’ll lounge away the day in our living room full of memories.

As always, more to come.

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Saturday Sensitivities ~ 9/16/23

Yep I’m a Steel Magnolia. You might even say I have some moxie. At least that’s what I’ve been told … more lately than ever before.

I didn’t take no for an answer when the court denied my request for records. I served as my own counsel and won my petitions not once but twice! The judge 👨‍⚖️ even complimented me on my tenacity & resolve.

That’s right! I doggedly 🐶 searched 🔦 for & found, then met some of my biological kin. I traveled 🧳 ✈️ 2149.6 miles to get there, then 🚙 road tripped it another 695.3 miles around Washington state all on my own to visit places my ancestors lived before me. Of course, I was never really alone. At least in my mind. And those I did meet face to face could not have been kinder to me. The gifts 🎁 of our time together were priceless. My grateful heart ♥️ overflows with love.

So why when it comes down to it do I falter with what is in the after? Hmm 🧐 inquiring minds want to know. Or maybe just me. I want to know. Why am I such an overthinking delicate flower? 🌹

What brought on today’s lil outburst of anxiety? Well I wrote ✍️ my novela but the only person I wanted to read it wouldn’t without me sharing in an alternative manner. Even then I know I can’t compel him to read my story. I’m peacocking 🦚 all over social media hoping he notices me. I had written the text to get the thoughts out of my head, never to send.

B came in as I was pretending I was okay. He just watched me then ever so quietly he started this conversation:

B: “Hey, I think you should send it.”

Me: “Why do you say that?”

B: “You want to … your heart wants to. You’re just afraid to get hurt 😢 ”

Me: “You know me so well”

B: “He may not respond & you have to be okay with that but you’ll never know unless you try.”

I sent the text then put my phone away. I do that to protect myself. Sometimes when I look later, I’m surprised & if nothing then it’s not as fresh as in those first moments after hitting that arrow on my phone 📱 which sends the message.

I texted to a group & yesterday’s message is responded at 50%. And as I’m reminded, no response doesn’t mean he didn’t read it. Of course my Pony joked “if you sent that to me, I’d immediately delete it but that means nothing. You know I still love you mom.” Maybe he’s more like his grandpa than some similarities in the way they look. Of course I’m making this up. I’ll never know unless I ask & even then would I trust the answers. All I know for sure is I expect too much.

Outwardly I’m a lone wolf 🐺 created by circumstances beyond my control. Habits die hard if they die at all. I guess I have some choices to make. Oh my kintsugi heart ♥️

As always more to come.