#SoCS ~ 6/15/24

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “sum.” Use the letters “sum” in a word in your post or use the word “sum.” Enjoy!

Ooooh, I got a good word to use assumption! I have learned very recently, or maybe I already knew but didn’t fully believe that assumptions are wrong more often than not. I have started collecting examples to prove my case. The only way to know something definitively is to ask. Even then, if you ask a liar well you’ll never know the truth. Sometimes one has to be comfortable not knowing. But humans, we want answers!! Learn from my mistakes. I your quest for answers, do not assume because when you do, you make an ass out of u and me.

I’m at the end of my rope y’all. I was all ready to cut bait or fish. More descriptively I was going to burn the bridge. Then I decided too much anger comes with doing that. I finally decided (or so I thought) to move on silently & forgive. It’s not ghosting when they won’t notice I’m gone. But then I see a glimmer & I take the chance & extend texted one more time only to receive no response. Truly a mind f**k. Yep, that’s about sums it up.

Today we’re celebrating an early Father’s Day for B. Lulu & her beloved will be with her future in-laws on Sunday. B & I are not big about “holidays”. We’re more of the every day is a holiday celebrants. As it should be amIright? Gratitude for all things will tell you yes.

As always, more to come.

4 thoughts on “#SoCS ~ 6/15/24

    1. August 15th holds a special place in my heart. We always went to the church in Praha TX for their festival. No matter what day of the week it fell on we went.

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