Flashback Friday~ 6/14/24

It’s flag day in these parts! I was so sure I had a flag photo in the gallery but I don’t. I will upload one later. Moving on to a flashback brought over from Facebook, though technically 6/14/14 fell on a Saturday. This memory makes me smile because it’s STILL true!

Lulu: “Mom, you have this condition!!”

She shows me her phone and I read …

Tarantism (n.) overcoming melancholy by dancing; the uncontrollable urge to dance

Me: “hells yeah!” As I busta move in the middle of Tommy’s Mexican restaurant this morning. I was already foot tapping under the table because the tunes were saweeeet!!!!!

It is a real thing


A disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to dance, especially prevalent in southern Italy from the 15th to the 17th century and popularly but erroneously attributed to the bite of a tarantula.

Funny I don’t remember being bit 😉. Happy Saturday ya’ll make it a good one!!

Now for the musical interlude.

Dance The Night ~ Dua Lipa

And that is all for now. I’m hanging tough folks. You take care now, ya hear which is way better than lemme let ya go.

As always, more to come.

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