Friday Feels: Me & Mary ~ 5/3/24

It’s no secret my mother-in-law & I didn’t always get along. I stole her son. I wasn’t from a “good” family. She had already picked out someone for him. She & I couldn’t been more dissimilar. I was a tomboy. She was always a girlie girl. The one thing we shared was a love of reading but that wasn’t enough because even then we liked different genres. I love a good mystery. She preferred historical fiction.

Now fast forward almost 40 years later, years that have not been kind to her & finally I’m okay. She’s got some cognitive issues going on along with her physical health issues but today she knew who I was. Truth be told, B & his dad, our PoPo are at a loss with all this “stuff” … after care from her recent event which landed her in ICU, then in-patient hospital rehab, followed by skilled care which is about to end when the insurance kicks her out. Yep, the pencil pushers decide, not the doctors.

Guess who gets to kick ass & take names? Me, little Jilly. Damn, I haven’t had this much “fun” in a long time. But our caseworker doesn’t work on Fridays, so until Monday, I’m putting all this out of my mind. Two days to rest & relax before running the gauntlet.

As always, more to come.