Friday Feels ~ 3/15/24

Eight years ago on this day, Lulu Bell and I were in NYC to see Aladdin among other things. On that trip, we were really trying to get Hamilton tickets, but they were by lottery only because every single show was sold out for months on end. Since that time I have seen Hamilton three times on stage, all at the Majestic and once on TV. If memory serves it was an HBO special. But it might’ve also been on Disney+

Aladdin was magical and an excellent substitute. The flying carpet scene was amazing. I still don’t know how they accomplished it. There’s just something about live theater folks. I am definitely a fan.

Lulu Bell and I are back together again this weekend for another spring break. Though this is not a “she’s out of school” spring break but a coincidence in that the expo for oddities and curiosities is tomorrow and Sunday. We road tripped to Houston. We met our Auntie Renee in person for the first time. And there is so much goodness in what occurred today. However, I’m exhausted so I will write more on the topic later.

Until next time, wishing you well.

As always, more to come.

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