Friday Feels ~ 3/8/24

Imagine if this was all you knew about your parents? It took 57 years for me to find out their names. Two years and 3 months later and I still don’t know everything. Things most people take for granted. Partially because I’m afraid to ask but also because people have passed on. It’s easy for me to believe dearly departed family would’ve been the ones most likely to share.

It’s a beautiful day after a nice soaking rain this morning. Spring has sprung. Not looking forward to the time change. But definitely appreciating the weather.

As always more to come.

7 thoughts on “Friday Feels ~ 3/8/24

  1. Are you adopted? I was adopted by my dad when he married my mom. I was around three and a half. I never saw my sire, or even a picture of him, but I know that it’s due to him that I am short in stature. That’s it. He supposedly died of lung cancer. So I’m part, I can empathize with you. 😌


    1. I was adopted at birth. My adoptive father died of lung cancer when I was two. My adoptive mother remarried the daddy who raised me when I was four. I found my biological mother (deceased) and biological father still living in 2021. Turns out my biological grandfather, mom’s dad, had another family. My family tree is more like a spaghetti bowl.

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      1. Cheers to surviving what’s messy. I only recently started to share. It’s been healing. I also get sharing is not for everyone. I went to a writers workshop recently where that was the whole purpose. Felt good to get out the angst.

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