In My Life: Friday Feels Part Two ~ 1/5/24

#13. Patience is a virtue. That’s not cliche. I’ve been in a hurry to make up for lost time. Not sure why because you can’t recreate a past. Rushing isn’t going to change any outcomes. Best to have patience. Better to hope for the best and expect nothing. Then one day, that may pay off.

On January 4th 9:40 PM, I received an email from the cousin whose son my children and I matched first. Happy New Year! He gave me a recap of current events. He shared a Christmas Eve tradition, they go around the room listing good things for the year. I learned that I made his list. “I’m glad you found us.” Now I’m verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.

He referred to me as family AND friend. I felt that too but I can never tell if feelings are mutual or if I’m being “too much.” I responded after an hour of trying to craft the perfect reply to keep him interested in staying in touch. I’m overthinking every word. Of course I am. I’m sure I scared him off. I don’t believe I deserve nice things.

I didn’t see his email until after 5 today. If I had seen it earlier, I might not have been so pensive. I shouldn’t have been in turmoil any way. Good things come to those who wait. All this to say, his email brings me peace. I need to bottle this feeling.

As always, more to come.

3 thoughts on “In My Life: Friday Feels Part Two ~ 1/5/24

    1. Definitely made my day, maybe even the whole year gets this fresh perspective. I felt such a strong connection to this cousin but assumed it was only me being “extra”. “I’m glad you found us” is still ringing in my ears.

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