Share Your World ~ 10/24/23

Thanks Di for hosting! She the questions & I have my answers. To join us in the fun, HERE are the rules & ping back.

1.  When food shopping, do you prefer to shop online or in person? I prefer in person so I can get steps in, might be my only exercise that day. Haha! During the height of Covid we did the curbside pickup but inevitably the order was wrong. Never got mad about that, it was understood the stress the workers were under. I still wear a mask in crowded indoor public spaces. Only see one or two extra careful like me. It probably doesn’t do a darn thing but psychologically, mask wearing is a security blanket.
2.  Do you take/stick to a shopping list? Have you met me yet? lol definitely a list!!!
3.  Do you shop around or are you store loyal for convenience? I shop around, depending on what items I’m getting.
4.  Roughly how long does it take you to do a weekly shop? About two hours give or take but only because I shop for my in-laws at the same time. Two households, two different lists = twice the amount of time. The dreaded self checkout also adds to the time commitment.

Gratitude: Sometimes, Time is something we need to gift to ourselves. I could make a case for this, to give myself time to accept that which I cannot change OR to give myself time alone to recharge my batteries. Though I spent the day alone Saturday & it was no bueno. I over thought myself into a tizzy for no good reason. Ugh, sometimes I am my own worst enemy.

As always, more to come.

8 thoughts on “Share Your World ~ 10/24/23

  1. Hi Jill. Thanks for joining in again this week. I get mad with the self check out sometimes as I always seem to pick the one that’s slow, won’t accept more than one ‘own bag’, doesn’t like taking my cash, and then won’t give me a receipt. And WHY is the change in pennies and five pence pieces, which the damn machine never accepts in payment anyway! Have a great week.

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