Share Your World ~ 10/10/23

Wow! Time is flying!! First off Happy heavenly 59th birthday to my dearly departed sister-in-law … the infamous Aunty Barb! “Just Because!” was the motto of her life. Eat cake first, buy the shoes, take the trip … awesome attitude just like my dearly departed friend Bets. Thanks Di for hosting this party. I’m added my two cents worth 1/2 a penny. HERE are the rules & ping back.

1. Do you prefer a duvet, quilt or sheets and blankets on your bed? Hmm, I like them all. You might even say that I have a thing for bedding. Fitted sheet and top sheets go first & then the duvet on the very top. The quilts my Mamaw & Great Aunties made are just for show. Well not really. When it’s cold, I wrap up in them while sitting, lounging, watching TV, or reading a good book. I like blankets/throws to lounge with too. I have quite the collection.

Post published thought added. We set our thermostat at 60F during the winter. I need those blankets to stay warm. Saves heat while bringing comfort. My dad’s nickname given by me & my best friend was Mr. Energy. He’d be proud of me now for doing my best to conserve. 🙃

2. Do you sleep with one or two pillows? Two of course! There’s no such thing as too many pillows which is why I like hotel rooms. Usually there is a pillow bonanza. This past weekend Lulu & I had three pillows each!! If I was solo travel, I would have found a way to use all six! LOL

3.  Do you prefer a single, double, or king size bed? I have no preference but B has to have a King. The extra room is nice but I don’t move much regardless.

4. In the winter, do you have a hot water bottle or an electric blanket? Not any more but boy that was a necessity growing up. Our windows weren’t insulated. There was always a draft. No central heat. Of course the electric blanket didn’t have a timer. We’d use it a little while before turning it all the way off as we slept. If memory serves, the electric blanket on my bed was thin & kind of scratchy. The hot water bottle just got cold & never really liked mine but it was better than nothing.

5. Fun question: have you ever slept in a hammock? Yes on camping trips & only to nap which counts as sleep. Well duh Jilly. One of the first things we always did was to set up the hammock. I also have a hammock story but it’s graphic so I will save that for another day.

Gratitude: Enjoy what you have, it may be all you need. I agree! And the older I get the less I need so I enjoy what I do have … which is surprisingly plentiful but not very materialistic. Precious time with loved ones makes everything that much more special. Right now the only thing I want is peace for family members & friends going through respective rough patches. If you happen to need one, I hope you catch a break.

As always, more to come.

10 thoughts on “Share Your World ~ 10/10/23

  1. Thanks for joining in. We had extra blankets on the bed and a hot water bottle when I was a kid. No central heating, just a coal fire in the lounge. Mum would put the electric fire on in the bedroom half an hour before we went to bed, the same time the bottles went in. Once tucked up, it was turned off and the plug pulled out. These days it’s a duvet for me and I’m nearly always hot. My meds give me hot flushes so Hubby says I’m like a hot water bottle that never goes cold. He’ll be shivering and I’ll have my feet and arms out of the covers! I always sleep on the edge of the bed regardless.

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    1. I find this very interesting. Your electric fire sounds like our gas space heater. We definitely could not leave it on while we were sleeping. Feet and arms out from the duvet is the only way to go 😃

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      1. Electric fires were expensive to run and quite common, but if anything fell on the heating elements, it would catch fire. We had oil filled radiators on the boat which were also electrically run, but only 500w and enough to keep the chill off on a low setting.
        Yep, if I can keep my feet cool, they are a good thermostat control for me!

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    1. That’s sounds nice and toasty.

      We couldn’t run our gas space heater at night, too dangerous. Heck even during the day we were careful not to get burned. The wall heater strategically placed in the hallway only warmed the hallway & not even all of it. It mostly stayed off.

      Thank goodness TX is rarely that cold. 🥶 Not sure how we survived 🤣

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      1. It waws, although I swear my window would frost up on the inside.

        Our first apartment was heated with a space heater. It did a good job of heating that apartment, which I realized after we moved here could fit in our current living room. Kind of miss the old place sometimes….

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